Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Passenger: Was cuffed, searched over 'appearance'

Shoshana Hebshi said Tuesday that she endured nearly four hours in police custody that included being forced off an airplane in handcuffs, strip-searched and interrogated at Detroit's airport on the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks—all, she believes, because of her Middle Eastern appearance.
Hebshi said she didn't notice how many times the men went to the bathroom. "I wasn't keeping track," she said.  [Full]

Bathroom Police


Anonymous said...

Wow! He rights were violated. I missed that one when reading the constitution. The right not to be irritated or inconvenienced.

Anonymous said...


rwnutjob said...

She has the right not to be blown up by terrorists.

In order to stop that, we have to "inconvenience" her. Sorry.

Next time, maybe we will just let the bastards take your fucking plane down. Deal?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

My eye jumped from the "strip search" paragraph to "the men visiting the men's room." That's all I really read.

Anonymous said...

She's lucky she didn't get the old shoe lace garrotte from the little old lady behind her.

Anonymous said...

Darn that 4th Amendment! Good thing Constitution 2.0 is doing away with it.

Ten Mile Island said...

I don't know about you guys, but when I saw the pic, all I saw was JAP.



(Escuse me, I profile.)

Scott said...

Alright Tim and Stick... since you two seem too idiotic to engage the reading comprehension of your brains let's break this down in little, easy-to-chew pieces, 'kay?

1. She was taken into custody after the plane landed at her final destination. Ergo, the on-board arrest was a dog 'n pony show when the .feds could've just as easily (and quietly) made their arrests at the gate.
2. She was arrested simply by virtue of someone on the flight complaining of suspicious behavior on the part of her rowmates. If this doesn't terrify you then you're even stupider than I'd feared.
3. Being publicly hauled off an airplane in cuffs, dumped into a holding cell for four hours, interrogated by various reps of the federal .gov and not being allowed any contact with your family during such events is not an "inconvenience".

Goddammit, people. We live in a world with sharp edges and precious few items covered in Nerf. Either suck it up and learn to deal with it, or take your blathering "Kill 'em all because I'm a-scared of swarthy American broads on my plane!" bullshit to the bar and drown yourself in cheap beer.

Fucking idiots.

Anonymous said...

Say Scott, is that last paragraph for me or the subject of the story? I comment on her attitude and you say I want to kill them all blah blah blah. I think the 'fucking idiot' is you.

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