Monday, October 10, 2011

Home-made gunbot

Stuff you can make at home

If it's true that the Second Amendment's purpose was to allow citizens to arm themselves against a tyrannical gummint, and it was, then it follows that the citizenry ought have access to the same weapons.  Which we did,  more or less,  until Miller.  Anyway. a righteous heart and American ingenuity will out in any emergency.

The turret of the 45-pound robot has 8 ultrasonic sensors that calculate to the inch the distance between it and other objects. If an object moves towards the robot in defense mode, the turret aims and fires automatically. The fully automated electric gun shoots brass or plastic pellets at 350 feet per second. [Full & Video]


Steve in Greensboro said...

Where can i get me one of these?
This lil guy plus a still and i be ready for the Barackalypse.

TimO said...

Swap the pellet gun for a 12-gauge automatic shotgun and lets test that sucker out in the Wall Street parks...

Billll said...

Didn't I see that thing in the movie Maximum Overdrive?

Anonymous said...

The cool thing about that is that the wheels allow it to go sideways.


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