Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meet Eric Cantor

Ok. everyone, we hear alot of talk about the "GOP Establishment", OK WHO are they, CALL 'EM OUT! [Free Republic]

My short answer to that FR post was "Anyone in the Party who has now, or has ever had decision making authority, or input, into what candidates get funding.

I said short answer.  Common sense leads us to others.  Like Eric Cantor, of whom we can say is is the archetypal establishment Republican.  That would be mealy-mouthed and  unprincipled.   Witness,  this from  Damian.


I heard Rep. Cantor on the Fox Sunday show. He actually used the term “income disparity.” I couldn’t believe this guy used that term, or that he is a member of the Republican leadership. It occurs to me that the Tea Party is right. Cantor and Boehner need to be replaced. They are on the other side. Sorry to bother you with this, but it is troublesome.

Damian Housman


Eric Cantor- Duche

[Excerpt - Eric Cantor exercising his inner-commie]

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said repeatedly Sunday that Republicans agree that too few people control too much wealth in America.

"We know in this country right now that there is a complaint about folks at the top end of the income scales, that they make too much and too many don't make enough," Cantor said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, toning down his earlier criticism of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

"We need to encourage folks at the top of the income scale to actually put their money their work to create more jobs so we can see a closing of the gap," he added.

Cantor’s change of tone comes as protests against Wall Street are gaining in popularity and the White House seeks to ride the latest wave of populist anger.

Republicans "are about income mobility," Cantor said as he tried to make the case that the GOP was best equipped to spread the wealth. "And that's what we should be focused on to take care of the income disparities." [etc]


D J said...

It will be interesting to see how many more Republicans tuck their tail between their legs when #occupy blossoms into full-scale riots.

Jess said...

"...We need to encourage folks at the top of the income scale to actually put their money their work to create more jobs so we can see a closing of the gap," he added..."

That's easily accomplished. Cut the damned regulations, get rid of a few dozen departments and pistol whip the first congress critter that suggests any new legislation or spending. This would require them to grow another pair, since it's obvious they've given the orginal to the progressives to hang from the mirrors of their limos.

Republican Establishment? Yeah, they're underneath the desks waiting for a pat on the head.

Opinionated Vogon said...

James Woods? I get more of a Jeff Goldblum vibe.



Woody said...

Income Mobility my rear end !!!

This is why I went independent long ago and left the Republican party.


Everyone can make whatever their individual determination, talents, and hard work will allow them to earn. And the Republicans should be about protecting the individuals right to earn it and then to keep it.

I'm just sayin' .....

Anonymous said...

This is the second time that asshat caused me to toss my cookies. The first was when he and John-girl Boehner came out of their first meeting with obama behaving like - to quote Mark Levin - a couple of giddy schoolgirls. - Skyhawker, Doug

Anonymous said...

Cantor is my Rep., I worked for his re-election in 2010, and when Repubs regained control of the House, I had hope. In August he voted to kick the debt can down the road and gave Uhbama his re-election slush fund. It occurred to me that that decision not only let Uhbama avoid the issue until after elections, but also Cantor and other RINO's don't have to deal with it until then either.
Fuck Cantor. He's dead to me.

Between the post's subject comment and Uhbama coming to my firehouse Wednesday, it's not a good day. I suspect that the firehouse event will be staged with every black Chesterfield County fireman in a way majority white department temporarily posted at that firehouse and standing behind Captain Bullshit for the TV photo op.
BTW, I thought I'd go to the Uhbama campaign firehouse appearance with some Nobama signage, but found out the event is "Closed to the public". The good news from here (Richmond) is that last night some patriot stole Uhbama's advance party truck that was carrying his podium and teleprompters.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Too cowardly to admit they're Progs: too cowardly to not be Progs.

And who're they talking about, anyway? That Kardashian broad who 'made' $52 million off her 'wedding?' [yeah - I read while waiting in line at the grocery]

Steve Jobs? Who took $1 salary and only paid dividend/capital gains tax rates?

Warren Bufet who wags his chin a lot and neglects to pay anything?


Kristophr said...

Get rid of the income tax.


A stiff, evenly applied tariff and an excise tax on exports can pay for justice and the military.

Gas tax pays for roads.

Public land use has a user fee.

No one pays for the rest of the crap currently on budget.

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