Sunday, November 06, 2011

Then Cut His Balls Off ...

John Boehner at the Wheel
where he belongs

Then cut his balls off!

John Boehner Dedicated to Helping Super Committee Succeed

“It has to work, and I am committed to ensuring that it works,” the Ohio Republican said on ABC’s “This Week.”

[Full Roll Call]

“It has to work ...?"  The only way this clandestine Super Committee abortion can work is to give Democrats what they wanted in the first place.  More spending, with any real budget cuts coming out of the DOD's hide.  God save us from Democrats and their handmaidens.  


Anonymous said...

What the RINO meant to say was he'll do everything he can to help its members "reach a successful income."

Anonymous said...

Two faced Establishment RINO son of a bitch.
How about cutting spending $1.2 to $1.5 trillion NEXT YEAR, not over ten years, you bunch of slimy gasbags. We're broke, in the hole for $15 trillion!!
And yet I haven't heard of a single agency or a single commission having a dime cut from their budget or a single Federal employee laid off. In fact they're hiring more!!!
Jeebus H. Crisco, what planet do they live on?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I'm a Department of Defense federal employee who's soon to be unemployed due to budget cuts.

Anonymous said...

DoD Anon - I'm sorry; leave it to the Feds to whack you and leave EPA, HUD and a bunch of other non-Constitutional bureaucracies intact or growing.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Anon - can you steal us a nuke on the way out?

Srsly, I really do understand the pain you're suffering right now.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, most of the DoD civilians are dead weight. That's why they have contract employees who may be fired on a whim. The contract employees do all the work. Most of the govvies got their jobs through nepotism, the old boy network, and having a member of their minority group in the selection process. The govvies can't decide between chicken or beef unless they form a study group, and kick it around for six months. If anon is worth his salt, he'll be hired back as a contractor very quickly. I could write a book on this subject.


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