Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cincy-Zavier Brawl

Depends on your definition of "is", I mean"lie,"  "thug" Is

"We're grown men over here,'' Holloway explained. "We got a whole bunch of gangsters in the locker room. Not thugs, but tough guys on the court.''


Anonymous said...

I used to love the Nuggets-DT, Moe, Alex-it was always a great evening out. It's a thug fest now and I see why. Start this crap early and bring it into the pros. I haven't wasted 5 seconds on this crap for 20 years.

Just another example of our sewer culture

Anonymous said...

SAVAGES ! I'd eat a hot bowl of crap before I'd watch that bunch of animals . SMIBSID

Anonymous said...



I-RIGHT-I said...

Those aren't tough guys and they are not thugs, you know what they are. Bring back the 1960 academic standards for college admission and this won't happen. The only college ball worth watching happened yesterday. Navy got lucky for the 10th year in a row.

Woody said...

And these guys are in college? I listened to how well the "gentleman" speaks to the press at the end of the video and it makes me wonder if education is any longer part of being in college for these "gentlemen" or is it all sports and a stepping to the NBA now, you know what I am sayin' ???

David said...

Its not just college basketball - I walked into a middle school girls basketball practice a few years ago to see the coach teaching his players how to slap the ball out of their opponents hands. He told them to never slap down at the ball, instead you slap upwards so that the ball will hit your opponent in the face. Then he made them line up and practice on each other.

Then with half his team rubbing sore noses and eyes, or crying and shying away from their teammates he started berating them for being soft and cowards.

I turned to several of the parents standing there watching and ask "Are you all good with what's going on out there?"

Their responses were all some sort of "Hey, its how the game is played."

Anonymous said...

This seems just like progressive mentality - win at ALL COSTS. I for one cannot stand this kind of crap. When the Lions thug Suh stomped the Packers guy AND that is the kinda crap he was hired for it makes me sure that things are inverted. Suh should be outta the game but, some jackasses celebrate this crap.

Was rooting for Lions in this game and this play changed they whole thing for me. Dirty play, whether legal or not is not tolerable. Thugs belong in jail or the ground - you decide which based on conditions.


molonlabe28 said...

College sports, with the exception of the service academies, the Ivy League, Notre Dame and a few other diamonds in the rough, has been overtaken by ESPN and greedy coaches, ADs and colleges.

And basketball is a gangster, thug, gangbanger sport at almost any level.

I would watch John Hagee (the 400 lb preacher who calls the Church "the Great Satan") over basketball any day of the week.

I was quite disappointed to see the NBA owners and players end their boring billionaires vs. millionaires gamesmanship.

Now we have to have that sport on television for the next 7 months.

And we have to wait 3 more months for the green flag to fly at Daytona.

It's a good thing I have boxing to watch.

DougM said...

Wellp ...
that clip was the first basketball I've watched of any kind in thirty years.
Looks like it'll be another thirty before I watch any more.
Not keen on intentional sports violence.
I quit watchin' hockey, football, and NASCAR for the same reason.

Anonymous said...

Screw this noise. Just give them swords and shields, a trident and a net.

Also it would get rid of a lot of these kind of people that we could use a lot less of. The Romans sent their criminals to the arena, and it seems we do too; we might as well do it up the right way.

--Sapo Mal

Anonymous said...

If you want to read a good screed about what happened to basketball(as well as football), I would direct you over to a little blog titled It'll be a bit hard core for some, but the guy does make his point(s).

Corsair, The Mostly Harmless said...

Q: How many NCAA Basketball players does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: One. But he gets four credits for it.

Cheesy said...

Add 'sportsmanship' to the list of 'used-to-haves', like honesty, integrity, and morality.

WV - snots - how appropriate!

Anonymous said...

They were doing Wealth Redistribution before Obama said it was cool.

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