Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Der Skript ...


Res Ipsa Loquitur


Anonymous said...

"Sen. McCain told our group, told the families, that he had no problem with the amendment, which appeared to have unanimous, bipartisan support in both houses of Congress. Then literally at the last minute, in the cloakroom of the Senate, he stood up and opposed it," said Michael Caputo, coordinator of the Intrepid Project, which is spearheading the repatriation effort. "We were at the top of the hill. This was the furthest the families had ever come toward repatriation, and then Sen. John McCain, 'Mr. Veteran,' sucker-punched us and knocked us back down the hill."

Juice said...

Just watched the kiddos video. Thanks for the grins.

Skoonj said...

John McCain has actively subverted attempts at locating and rescuing Americans held as POWs in Vietnam, after the war. The American Conservative carried extensive material about this issue in its June 2010 issue. An article and several commentaries are located at:

For reasons unknown, his opponent in the last election (though he was informed about the issue) refused to use it in his campaign.

Chris in NC said...

McCain's endorsement? Why would Romney want that? That's like being endorsed by Bin Laden.

Alear said...

Relax now. You all voted for McCain, and now you'll vote for Romney.

Turing word: belses. As in, with belses and whistlses on.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... let's see. Should I vote for four more years of Obama, or for Mr. Business-as-Usual? That's a toughie. Hopefully it won't come to that. Why anyone anywhere gives an at's rass about RINO McCain's opinions is beyond me. Oh, and Alear, I did not vote for McCain last time. There are always other alternatives, you know.

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