Wednesday, January 04, 2012

So, an old man answers the door ...


An old man goes to answer a knock at the door one evening only to find two sheriff's deputies standing there.

"Sir, are you married?" One deputy asked.

"Why yes," the old man replied "for 48 years."

"Do you have a photograph of your wife, sir?" the second deputy questioned.

The old man pulled a picture out his wallet and handed to the officers. They looked it over and handed it back to him.

"Sir, I'm sorry but it looks like your wife has been hit by a truck."

The old man says, "I know son, but she's got a wonderful personality and she's a great cook."

   cuzzin ricky


BlogDog said...

Gladys found it reasonable and prudent to carry a spare set of what she calls "miniboobs" with her at all times.

Anonymous said...

There are no words........

If you ever got drunk enough to think that was a good idea, oh, never mind.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I had the Roll-over reversed-- Yikes

Anonymous said...

That model is a keeper, and very hard to find.


mostly cajun said...

Yeah-- roll-over reversed when I saw it.

Saw THAT on top, I was plumb scared to see what it rolled over to...


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Jayzuz, I'm so sorry. When I came back and looked, it scared the crap out of me too.

Anonymous said...

Cannot unsee! Cannot unsee!!

Someone please invent the invisible rollover!!!

BobG said...

I'll be right back; I need to go get another bottle of eyebleach...

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