Wednesday, February 01, 2012

God Bless America and other savagery

At The Cinema

"D-Fens" meets Mickey and Mallory


Death Wish theater audiences stood and applauded when the Bronson character executed his "first assignment."  Me included.   I certainly sympathized with Michael Douglas's "D-Fens," in "Falling Down," but recognized that he was unhinged.  Still, I think both films tapped into the public disgust with where our Liberal culture had led us. In a way, the same may be said for "Natural Born Killers," where Mickey and Mallory went on a Charlie Starkweather- Caril Ann Fugate-type killing spree.   But, director Oliver Stone wasn't appealing to my senses.   I wanted M&M to die about 5 minutes into that movie.  No, Stone was likely grooving with the  "Occupy," hate-America crowd,  with whom he shares an ideology.

In God Bless America, writer and director Bobcat Goldthwait might be trying to exploit my utter disgust with the whole Obamunist thing. Just going by the trailer.  I hope not.  Hope I don't find it too righteous, because I am way too receptive  at the moment.  I'm prolly not alone.  It is billed as a comedy, so ... .  Now, I'm going to watch "The Bell's of Saint Mary's" I'm not kidding. It's my natural neighborhood. 

     Tim W


Anonymous said...

They should be responsible for every copy cat killing. And there will be some. Hollyweired product causes death too. Falling down is the greatest btw.

Unknown said...

Oh my, I either have the same tumor or this trailer touched something barely dormant.

DougM said...

Not sure I should watch it. The last thing I need is to think that there's a hint of a remote possibility that doing that would be acceptable.
Hey, everyone wanted to shoot the real Chloe.
Why didn't we? Because we just don't do that sort of thing.
What happens if we decide that we do do that sort of thing?
(What? Yeah, all of those, sure; but I meant the bad things.)

El Jefe said...

I'll definitely make the effort to see this one.

Rodge, if you haven't seen it, put it on the top of your Netflix list:

Shakes the Clown

Bills itself as the Citizen Kane of alcoholic clown movies.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Wow, for a movie that old you'd think it'd be an instant watch on Amazon or NetFlix, but no. I'll wait,

I-RIGHT-I said...

I'm waiting too. Bring on the copy cats.

Kristophr said...

Leftard movie people airing their secret violent fantasies. This is why they don't trust us with guns ... because they think like this, and project their crap on us.

I'd like to see the conservative rebuttal movie, where one of the high school teachers shoots this asshole in the face for shooting a famous but annoying schoolgirl.

But then, that would be a short f**king movie, wouldn't it?

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