Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Issa to refer Holder ...

Issa takes step toward holding Holder in contempt of Congress


Res Ipsa Loquitur

On Tuesday Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House committee on Oversight and Government Reform, took a major step toward holding Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress for his failure to provide subpoenaed documents and other information about Operation Fast and Furious.
Deputy Attorney General James Cole begged Congress to extend the Feb. 9 deadline.
Issa: "We cannot wait any longer for the Department’s cooperation,” [...]Issa added that whoever Holder designates as the go-to DOJ official for delivering subpoenaed documents “should also serve as the conduit for dealing with the contempt proceedings, should the Department continue to ignore the Committee’s subpoena. [full]

Oh, delicious Déjà vu

A Federal district judge said today that Ira C. Magaziner, the chief architect of President Clinton's health plan, had given misleading testimony to the court, and he asked Federal prosecutors to determine whether the statements amounted to perjury or criminal contempt of court.

He referred the case to the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, Eric H. Holder, " [December 22, 1994]

With Democrats holding control of the House in 1994, Holder was able to ignore Judge Lamberth's referral, and he did.  It appears Issa is not going to let it happen again, and this time he's the target.


Jess said...

If he should ever end up convicted, I'm thinking the best punishment is keelhauling.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

nope. waterboarding.

Jess said...

I think you're right, but after getting the information, turn him loose on the street.

Skoonj said...

Best punishment is to retain Holder for extradition to Mexico. There, he can face charges of murder, etc., in connection with Fast and Furious.

Chris in NC said...

Yeah, wish this was going somewhere. Anywhere. But it won't get the light of day and the admin will stonewall and fight and get some Carter appointee to stop the proceedings.

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