Monday, March 05, 2012

Obama Steals Election

Hitler's Mustache               

Wikileaks: Obama secretly took Russian money for his campaign

Not a metaphor-the real deal
My Comment

The Democratic Party engaged in an effort to throw the 2008 election.

And Russian money went to the campaign of Barack Obama much as Chinese money went to the campaign of Bill Clinton during the 1990s.

From a piece that ran in The Examiner on February 27th about Wikileaks‘ latest document dump in a series of cables that it calls ‘The Global Intelligence Files.’

Part of the information contained in the files shows that the Democratic Party engaged in an effort to throw the 2008 election.

The Democrats may have succeeded, and the election results from 2008 may be entirely skewed.

At issue is internal communication within a company in Texas called Stratfor. The company bills itself as a ‘global intelligence service’ that offers confidential information to large corporations and political entities.

Among Stratfor’s clients are the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, the U.S. Marines, Dow Chemical, Lockheed Martin, and Northrop Grumman. [Wikileaks: Obama secretly took Russian money for his campaign]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I larf so hard!

Their very choice of candidate ought to have been the first clue. Un-accomplished, unknown noobie with commonist ties running as a "serious" candidate?!? Whoda thunk that wouldn't have been rejected outright?!? [Alternately, the continuation of the Clinton dynasty?!? srsly??] NO One will vote for that! right?

I mean, it was dang near public knowledge that he took MuzzieMoney via the Gaza Phone Banks.

BUT, the "Loyal Opposition" did an even more thorough job of throwing: an old compromiser and gaff-machine who backs down at every challenge. Who refuses - at every turn - to point out the very flaws the Noobie was chosen to lose for.

Like watching a coupla veteran campaigners play Toss The Hot Turd By The Clean End.

It is to Larf.

Larf / Cry ... whatever.

This goofy presupposition that the Parties want to win the ability and responsibility to deal with this Mess from Hell -- Larf.

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