Sunday, March 18, 2012

Renewable Oil


What If Oil and Natural Gas Are Renewable Resources?
President Barack Obama and his green energy confederates are determined to scare the public about
 a declining supply of "fossil fuels."

Res Ipsa Loquitur
The evidence is mounting that not only do we have more than a century's worth of recoverable oil in the United States alone (even if there is a limit to the earth's oil supply), but that we also actually have a limitless supply of Texas tea because oil is in fact a renewable resource that is being constantly created deep under the earth's surface and which rises upward, where microscopic organisms that thrive in the intense pressure and heat miles below us interact with and alter it.

In other words, we have an unending supply of oil, some of which is constantly migrating upward from the depths at which it is created to refill existing oil deposits, and much more of which remains far below the surface.  This oil can be recovered using existing technology. [American Thinker]

It's likely that we (The USA) have up to several hundred years supply of oil left, even without being renewable.  So,  how will  green groups react to this news, even if it was delivered and vouched for by by God?  Tantrum, rage, and a 100 million letters from the Sierra Club asking for money to buy more congressmen to pass more laws against drilling.  That't their business.. 


Anonymous said...

They are busybodies who cant stand you leading your life without their guidance. If they found out burning oil helped the planet they would still find a reason to bitch.

renojim said...

Doesn't matter - they won't deviate from their ideology

BlogDog said...

If oil is a "fossil fuel," how could dinosaurs get trapped in the La Brea tar pits?

Kristophr said...

The Russians have been using abiotic petroleum geology theory to find some of the largest oil fields in Asia.

All that methane that volcanos spew does not come from dinosaurs or Cambrian era swamps.

It comes from the enormous amount of Carbon locked up in the Earth's mantle when it was first formed.

When the right kind of geology and faults are in place, carbon compounds get trapped. How long they are trapped determines whether or not you have a layer of Methane, oil, or coal.

Compressed plant matter coal seams are very rare, and generally bituminous in nature ( former peat bogs ).

pdwalker said...


older dinosaurs obviously.

It's dinosaurs all the way down.

Anonymous said...

SNORT! Dem bones, dem bones, dem DRY bones.


Anonymous said...

"...and a 100 million letters from the Sierra Club..."

And where does the money for that come from? The oil ticks in saudi-occupied Arabia.


Jess said...

Well, there goes my plan of substituting dinosaurs with politicians and bureaucrats.

Anonymous said...

BP is one of if not THE biggest Pres 0's donor... Most of the petroleum engineer's I know will tell you that old wells are full again. The North Slope was supposed to be pumped dry a decade ago...Schlumberger specializes in re starting old wells, previously thought to be "dry" They also specialize in "drinking from your milk shake": angled drilling to access otherwise verboten oil fields. I know that the idea of fossil fuel is used to keep the price high. Sort of like Debeers and their vaults full of diamonds.

TimO said...

The idea that hydrocarbons may be generating spontaneously has been quietly talked about for several decades and always shouted down by the oil companies and oil researchers. But they get awfully quiet when you point out that there are numerous places around the Solar System like Saturn's moon Titan where there are OCEANS of hydrocarbons where no ancient plant matter or dinosaurs ever existed.

Heck, there are clouds of hydrocarbons in open space with more mass than the entire solar system....

Anonymous said...

Clouds of hydrocarbons in open space....FARTS IN SPACEEE.

gassy x

Merrily said...

God thought of everything else to take care of our needs, why not fuel?

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