Sunday, April 01, 2012

Next for Olbermann- Suicide? HBO?

On October 13, 2004, Olbermann launched Countdown  on

Res Ipsa Loquitur
That didn't long ...

Complained To Current That Car Service Drivers ‘Smelled, Talked To Him’

Furthermore, though Olbermann's $250,000 studio was built to his exact specifications, he allegedly refused to use the set when there were lighting problems back in December.  Not only that, but he refused to let guest hosts use the elaborate studio.

Current TV is also claiming that Olbermann refused to publicize the network and the show when he wasn't hosting his program (and he took about half of January and February off).  They say he even barred his staff from sending out related Twitter updates, and prevented guest hosts from promoting the show. (Jealous that they would get better ratings, perhaps?) [full]

Please notice that Olbermann was spotted early on for the asshat he's proved himself to be.  He's now been fired by two of the most noxious cable networks, in quick succession.  Not because because conservatives mounted million dollar campaigns to scare advertisers away, as do Soros, Inc., but because he and his leftist ideology are transparently ludicrous.  Suicide, or HBO are all that's left to his ilk.


Anonymous said...


or google Oprah Winfrey Network Sets Deal With Comcast

(it's the WSJ so you need to go through Google).

David said...

Olbermann was pompous douchebag when he was just the sports guy for KTLA and KCBS in LA in the mid 80s. He was the reason I stopping watching both those networks evening news broadcasts.

He was a joke as a sports reporter. Why anyone would hire him to give political commentary is beyond me. Personally I will be happy to turn on my television and never see his smug grin or hear his whiny bitchy voice again.

Alan J. said...

"His viewer will be heartbroken."
- h/t Glenn Reynolds

Best commentary ever!

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