Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I happened upon Ads We Will Never See Again, and expected another list of retro ads I've seen 100 times in the past few years.  For the most part that was true, but these few  resonated.

Res Ipsa Loquitur
Gramps drank BLATZ beer (Chicago).  For some reason I hated the name.  Still do. Why? I've no idea.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
Mother described how folks then rid themselves of the tapeworm.  They held a glass of warm milk under the nose.  When it came out, drew the glass ever away until enough worm was exposed to grab it and pull it out.  I am not making this up.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
PBS uses the same ad today
Res Ipsa Loquitur

Res Ipsa Loquitur
Asthma Cigarettes.  I love the pure audacity of it and wish one of today's tobacco companies had the nerve to reprise.  Just to annoy the usual suspects. Am I being hateful?


Anonymous said...

My grandma, who lived with us, drank Blatz-it was my first beer and to this day, it's probably why I'm not a beer drinker

Anonymous said...

For some reason I hated the name. Still do. Why? I've no idea.
"Blatz" just doesn't sound like something one should ingest.
It's more like the sound of a bad wet fart, or the kid next door trying out his first bugle at 2 am, or an 18-wheeler tailgating you and blowing that air horn.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

I heard a different tapeworm remedy. Go to quackter 3 days in a row. Each time he attaches a butt expander. Days 1 & 2 He cracks 2 eggs into butt, one at a time and ends with a cookie!

Day three he cracks 2 eggs into butt, than nurse hands him hammer and chisel. When tapeworm sticks out of butt and says, "Where`s my cookie?"----TWAP! goes the chisel!

(scale of 1 to 10; rates: neeverrmindddd....

El Jefe said...

Got ALL the good ones there!

Cracker Barrel Philosopher said...

"Draft brewed Blatz beer wherever you go..." - I can still remember the jingle. Not to mention Brewster the Goebel rooster. Yeah, I'm older than dirt. Anyhow, Drewrys was the local favorite when I was a tad.

Anonymous said...

The asthma cigs reminded me of a product that the druggie kids used in high school back in the 60's so I looked it up on wikipedia.
Asthmador was a nonpresciption treatment for the relief of bronchial asthma made by the R. Schiffmann Company. It consisted of a mixture of belladonna, stramonium and potassium perchlorate[1], and was a fine powder intended to be burnt and the smoke inhaled. The primary alkaloid present in the mixture was hyoscyamine, and when the powder was ingested rather than burnt, could be used to induce hallucinations.[1] [2]

Peragoric was also popular.

Anonymous said...

As an asthmatic I know this: Some of the asthma cigarettes had cubeb in them, which is a small "tailed" peppercorn that would dilate the bronchial tubes. Another kind had (no shit) marijuana, which is also a bronchodilator.

JMcD said...

I enjoyed Blatz beer over a twenty year period til the diabetes kicked in and I had to give it up.I licked Blatz a lot but I always ordered it as "Blast" Beer.....
I've owned a lighted Blatz sign for many years.

JMcD said...

Well I liked it too.

Anonymous said...

Cola for kids!! -- as sponsored by your local dentist...
Mom used to get Coke syrup at the pharmacy to settle kids upset stomaches.

And it's Blatz Blatz Blatz Beer
wherever you go...
Blatz is Milwaukees finest beer..

My brother used to smoke a cigarette when he felt a migraine headache coming on. Apparently smoking dilates the blood vessels, relieving the pain-causing pressure??

Rodger the Real King of France said...

there is some evidence that smokers are less likely to suffer Alzheimer's too

there is some evidence that smokers are less likely to suffer Alzheimer's too

there is some evidence that smokers are less likely to suffer Alzheimer's too

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