Sorry Godwin, but Obama is Hitler Romney Donor Finds Out What it Means to Be on President Obama‘s ’Enemies List’
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, May 14, 2012
Sorry Godwin, but ...
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
The Komrade Doofus' enemies list makes Nixon's look like an invitation list for a birthday party. Way back when Nixon was still in office, the anti-Nixon, liberal press made a huge deal out of that list. Today, the uber-liberal press and TV sycophants-for-Obama say absolutely nothing, repeat - nothing, about The Komrade's list. It is too bad that it is too late for impeachment hearings to be held, not that anyone in Congress wants to upset the status quo, as it were. We will just have to wait out the November election and hope for the best (such as it will be), a Romney win, and prepare for the worst, The Komrade's reelection. In that case, God (and I am agnostic)help us all because Obama and his overly-willing minions surely will not.
Romney was not, and still is not, my first choice to run against The Komrade. But, as I've stated before, I will vote for an eastern Montana fence post before I will vote for Obama.
Scottiebill -
5/14/12, 11:58 AM
Anonymous said...
Nixon floated a trial balloon about using the IRS against his foes; it never went any further than that but the press went atwitter. Just about every woman who ratted on Willie, including the one who merely asked Al Gore about Juanita Broaddrick, was audited and the pressed yawned.
Freddie Sykes -
5/14/12, 12:42 PM
Anonymous said...
An afterthought to my post above:
Mark Levin, whom I believe, arguably, to be one of the most intelligent talk show hosts on the radio today, once described Joe Biden as the dumbest person in Congress (since he has been Vice-President, that revered position has been given to Maxine Waters). That The Komrade Doofus picked Biden for the #2 spot in his 2008 election, certainly tells us about The Komrade's intelligence when it comes to picking allies, minions, and sycophantic cohorts, doesn't it.
Scottiebill -
5/14/12, 1:22 PM
- Kristophr said...
Return the favor. If you are an employer, get a copy of the voter's reg list, and secretly purge Democrats from your payroll.
5/14/12, 2:11 PM
Anonymous said...
We need a "like" button around here.
Casca -
5/14/12, 7:11 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
you just did one
5/14/12, 7:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Part one in an ongoing series:
From the chapter titled "1099: The Ultimate Hit". Ragnar's Action Encyclopedia, Ragnar Benson
The only down side is that this takes about 2 years to come to fruition.
"This hit is extremely simple. All that must be listed to trigger the IRS computer monster is the payer's name, address, and tax number (TIN, Tax ID Number) as well as the receiver's name, address, and Social Security number. Of course, it should go without saying, but I'm going to say it anyway: do not use your real name or the name of a company that can in any way be traced back to you. Don't worry too much if you cannot secure a valid company tax number; it appears as though the IRS does not check or even care very much who sends the form in; its interest is in who is supposed to be paying taxes on the income.
"Securing the recipient's actual social security number is vital to pulling this hit off successfully - without this number, the IRS won't have the correct account to which to credit the alleged income. Like securing real working company tax numbers, securing a politician's social security number is easy and fun.
"Call the politician's office on the pretext that you are from the National Small Business Association and "wish to report the honorarium provided for speaking to our group." In the unlikely event that a receptionist says she can't recall her boss speaking to such a group and asks when and for how much, claim that you don't know. Even a new receptionist will suppose that politician took the honorarium in cash as "walking-around money." Everyone knows that politicians are kindly disposed toward small business associations, so the staff person likely will look around a minute and then rattle off the numbers. If there is any hesitation, claim that of course a duplicate 1099 will be sent to "compare to your records." At this writing, the success ratio of persons I know of who have used this approach is 100 percent."
He mentions Sunshine Acts to get the numbers, but of course, this was all before google. He goes on, in full splendour...
"Incredibly, there is absolutely no verification on the part of the IRS that these alleged payment were actually made to individuals listed on 1099 forms. It is a unilateral filing. If somebody reports in on a 1099 that he paid you money, the IRS just assumes he did. No canceled checks or receipt need to be presented as evidence. 1099 filers are supposed to send one copy to the recipient, but that won't happen in these case since you don't want the politician to know that a hit is in motion. Send form 1099 and its transmittal form 1096 to the nearest IRS processing center. Any IRS center will do. As long as the recipient's Social Security number is accurate. According to the law, for every $10,000 in reported 1099 income, the recipient is liable for about one-third plus interest and penalties on amount he failed to report. This translates to a legal obligation of at least $3,500 in addition to what the mark has already paid on his earnings. In all cases, the targets will have no clue.
"At this writing, Forbes Magazine has carried two relatively short articles on 1099 hits. The purpose was to warn readers that once bogus or real 1099 filings get into the IRS system, they are virtually impossible to overcome. The author of the newspaper articles stated that they know of no one who got off without either paying bogus taxes or thousands of dollars in legal and accounting fees. What should be a simple "I didn't receive that money" procedure is definitely not.
Meant in the good way of course
Minister of Counter-Intelligence -
5/15/12, 4:06 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Nah, it's none of that; it's just a mood thing. Water will seek its level, but thanks. I was just explaining why I wasn't payinhg proper attention to things, and trying to find the keys.
5/15/12, 7:58 AM