Friday, June 08, 2012

Holder's new perjury

"If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a
good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what
 the hell." TRKOF&S

Eric Holder
Res Ipsa Loquitur
"Operation Fast and Furious was carried out by the ATF.  It began in the fall of 2009 and continued into early 2011, during which time the federal government purposefully allowed known or suspected gun smugglers to purchase guns at federally licensed firearms dealers in Arizona. The government did not seek to abort these gun purchases, intercept the smugglers after the purchases, or recover the guns they had purchased."

Why? So guns used by Mexican criminals could be traced back to the United States, thus giving the Obamas reason to impose firearm restrictionson us.  That's how evil they are.  I only hope that Holder is impeached before Obama's presidency ends in 2013, so we can enjoy the spectacle of a Democrat senate trying to avoid convicting him.  My schenfreudal sense demands that Holder, and wistfully,  Obama going to prison.


Anonymous said...

He's in stalling mode and I'll drop my socks if anything is ever done to him for all of his lies.

If Obama is reelected, he'll be bad news but we'll have other, HUGER problems.

If as expected, Obama is sent packing, Holder skates.

Too bad, if it was me, I'd be relentlessly prosecuting them. When this kind of shit goes unpunished, it only encourages more of the same. The list of high crimes from this criminal administration is staggering and our side are feckless pussies.


rickn8or said...

MM, they've already gotten away with it. Too late for Contempt of Congress, impeachment or trial in the Senate.

Obobo and Holder knew the Republican "Leadership" didn't have the balls to pull the trigger on them, and have played Issa and Boner like a fiddle.

All that's left is to play out this tired scene for the maximum negative impact on Obobo's campaign. Which the R's won't do.

Skoonj said...

I'd like to see him try this act in a Mexican criminal court. If Romneygrits wins, he might extradite him to Mexico, and we will see how well it works there.

Anonymous said...

Logically, doesn't that mean the only gun restrictions ought to be placed on Holder's DovJ?

Oh... wait... "Logic"


DougM said...

Impeaching him would be racist, and Obama will just pardon Holder before the trial, anyway.

On the other hand, I'm still not convinced that this wasn't partly a Chicago-crony organized-crime operation within DOJ, so there's hope that the next admin can get their teeth into it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's time we hunt these assholes to the end of the earth, and hang them, after November of course.


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