Monday, July 23, 2012

The Weasel in Chief

Police State Culture

Marine Corps creates law enforcement battalions

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Res Ipsa Loquitor
The idea behind the law enforcement battalions is to consolidate the military police and capitalize on their investigative skills and police training, he said. The new additions come as every branch in the military is trying to show its flexibility and resourcefulness amid defense cuts. - Marine Corps creates law enforcement battalions

Is Obama Captain Obvious, or what?

 During the Clinton horror, I remember rumors from Camp Pendleton circulating about preparations to involve Marines in civilian matters.  Quickly denied, but I believe the controversy sparked  the formation of Oath Keepers.   


Anonymous said...

I wonder if there is any truth to the rumors that the Marine Corpse (sic) is planning to hire Tom Cruise in his role as Jack Reacher to head it up.

Freddie Sykes

Anonymous said...

One note the Army has had MP battalions from WWII on. The marines have MP companies attached to infantry battalions.In Iraq and Afghanistan many Marines were crossed trained as MPs (Same with the Army MPs and Air force SPs ) The reality on the ground was more Law Enforcement was needed than infantry.All that being said, the timing is rather nerve wracking...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, everyone hates MP's, and their ranks are swelled with idiots.


lip said...

Casca, sounds like the whining from a commo pouge. Of the Troops for the Troops baby.

Anonymous said...

It's spelled "pogue", shithead.


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