Friday, August 17, 2012

‘Have You No Shame?’

Liberal Racism                  

‘Have You No Shame?’

Yesterday Sean Hammity, referring to Obama's school-yard bully campaign,  asked  Democratic strategist Bernard Whitman when he and other Obama supporters “are going to stand up and demand that ‘President Civility’ stop?”  Problem for Whitman— Hannity's was NOT among his prepared Obama campaign talking points.  So, he answered one of those,  and to hell with Hannity's question.

“You are talking about this most outrageous and widespread attempt since the civil rights –”

“Wait a minute!” Hannity interrupted. “I asked you a different question. I said you have a truth team Obama surrogate accuses Romney of being racist. … million-dollar man [Bill Maher] uses the “c” word for Sarah Palin. Now he uses the race card. Where is your courage?”

When Whitman began to respond by attacking the motivations for the voter ID laws, Hannity interrupted again, shouting, “Do you have any shame? Any? At all? Tell me!”

Whitman continued to talk about how he believes the voter ID law in Pennsylvania is a blatant attempt to disenfranchise minority voters: “The Republican majority leader in Pennsylvania said, ‘Pass this law, it will deliver to the state Romney.’”

Here's the beauty part—

“Stop,” Hannity interrupted once more, “answer the question. … To get into the Democratic National Convention, guess what you need? You need identification. So if you need it to get into the DNC, why don’t you accuse them of racism?”
“You need ID to buy a Blockbuster tape, you need ID to buy liquor,” panelist Bernard McGuirk added.

“You are looking to disenfranchise people who are not likely to vote for your candidate,” Whitman responded. “The House leader in Pennsylvania admitted it, why can’t you?”

“You are playing the race card!” Hannity shouted in return.

It's almost a given that if  Philadelphia votes (especially)   were actually cast by properlyy identified voters, there would be very few Democrats elected in the state. 


USMC2841 said...

Red and Yellow, Black and White. We can't win if voting's done right. Democrats screw the laws of this world.

Helly said...

This should go unsaid, but Dems certainly have no shame. When you accuse someone of mindlessly voting for Barry0, they rarely even deny it.

That is the worst insult in my repertoire, and it only works on people who didn't vote for Barry0.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see McGuirk debate Biden. Heck I'd PAY a hundred bucks to see that show.

Sir H the Comet

mark in Pa said...

Pa IS going to require ID to cast the vote this year.
That MAY clean up some of it.

Anonymous said...

"It’s the same old Catch-22 argument vote fraud defenders love to fall back on: we can’t detect and punish fraudulent voters, because that’s racism; and since we can’t march any convicted fraudsters before the camera, we can’t institute common-sense procedures to detect them." - John Hayward

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