Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Arnie and Adolf sitting in a tree ...

Hitler's Mustache                        

Dumm Leiter Arnold Schwarzenegger

Res Ipsa Loquitor

The actor and former Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger outlined in his recent book that he admired the "eloquence" of Adolf Hitler.

In his memoir, Schwarzenegger admits that in his youth he admired Adolf Hitler for his "eloquence" and "leadership". However, we must remember that for years the renowned actor denied having that idea.

Besides some candid stories about his personal life, the Hollywood star, in his book 'Total Recall' ('remember everything') continues to surprise. In 1976, while filming the drama documentary 'Pumping Iron' the young Schwarzenegger said on camera that he admired Adolf Hitler fellow.

However, this episode was removed from the film and since then the former governor of California denied any rumor about his statement.

During the shooting of the film, when asked about their idols, said: "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he started from the bottom, almost uneducated and reached the summit of power."

In his book, Schwarzenegger admitted he actually thought so. "Sitting in front of the camera reflected that few people are able to lead, while most of humanity is born to follow. Then I started to list the greatest leaders and dictators in history. I admired Hitler's eloquence, but not the way he used his gift, "he confessed.

A curiosity.  I'm not making any big deal of this.  About ¼ of our population will be saying 30 years from now that they once admired Obama, for chrissake.  Plus, I haven't seen any indication that Arnie is anything more than your average Hollywood type;  malleable and self indulgent.  I mean it's not like he helped the Nazi's find hidden Jewish gold like George Soros did. That guy is still playing the same role as an adult.  Obama has never expressed admiration for Hitler, but he acts just like him. 

Marc Miller


Anonymous said...

Terrifying fact here. In the last 170 years the worlds most horrific leaders were all homeless vagabonds with no pedigree at all. Ok, Marx had a regular job as contributor to the NY Post (Engles did all the work). But the rest of them were basically comic book villains that people were willing to follow. Do you really believe Lincoln was a simple rail splitter?

Chuck Martel said...

Lincoln was an accomplished trial lawyer.

Anonymous said...

No, Anon, Lincoln wasn't a simple rail splitter. He was a lawyer, self taught, a father, a President. Calling him a simple rail splitter is like calling you a "would you like fries with that?" worker for your whole life.
The thing I noted about a lot of the worlds 'problem' leaders is that many of them were 'exiled', but then allowed to return. Lenin, Khomeni, and Castro to name a few. There are more, but I'm lazy. I don't think any of them were rail splitters either.

Anonymous said...

At least Obama made the small automobile dealerships go out of business on time.

Sir H the Comet

Helly said...

I'm ok with ¼ admiring a distorted historical image of Barry0. A free society has to hold a place for losers.

As long as the other ¾ get a clear-headed view of him as America's last failed experiment with Affirmative Action. I want "Obama-esque" to be the most lethal political adjective ever used against Dems. Children in the future should have a measurable lose of self-esteme knowing their ancestors voted for Obama.

Cheesy said...

"Republicans" like Ahhnold make real republicans look bad.

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