Wednesday, October 17, 2012

STFU Kerry

"If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually                              
 all elected Democrats are liars, but what  the hell." TRKOF&S

LIARS: John Kerry

John Kerry: Romney "Perpetrating A Fraud On The American People"

"It's time to get really serious about what's on the table here with this choice. I'm perplexed. Mitt Romney, first of all, last night, in my judgment, was petulant. He was characteristically, expediently misleading. And I’m going to tell you exactly how. And I think people really need to stop. And you, Joe, you are, you know, I listen to your show. You career was based on trying to do something serious about the deficit. Mitt Romney is perpetrating a fraud on the American people," Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" today.

Guys like Kerry astound me. "...perpetrating a fraud on the American people!"  Like, do they live in a vacuum?  There's an internet of information out there; a ton of it about Kerry. I guess like Obama,, Kerry knows he's covered by the media, and unless they turn on him, his lies are truth.

April 18, 2004

 Kerry emphatically tells Tim Russert on NBC's “Meet the Press”  that “people” could come on down to his campaign headquarters to eyeball his full file of military records.

Russert had asked Kerry if he would release his complete file, as President Bush did after Democrats raised questions about his service in the Air National Guard during the Vietnam War.

Kerry shot back to Russert’s request, “They are” – indicating the records were already released.

But Kerry has not realeased all his military records, only a small portion, and placed strict limitations on their examination.

Kerry now says his promise is null and void.  "Russert's dead; the deal is off" (I'm told)

  • We knew he lied to congress about his Vietnam experiences.   
  • I know that  he was the head of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War on November 12-15, 1971, when the group voted on a motion to assassinate pro-war members of Congress. 
  • We know when he famously "threw his medals away", in protest of the Vietnam war, they were someone else's medals.
  • We know that an overwhelming number of his fellow Swiftboaters call him a fraud, who nominated himself for medals he did not deserve.
  • We know that to this day he has not signed of on DOD and Dept/Navy releases so his military records  can be viewed (and prove he was not dishonorably discharged and stripped of his medals)
  • We know Kerry ran his own competing "peace  talks" with North Vietnam.  and with   Sandinista Daniel Ortega, in contravention of U.S. Law.
How's that for perpetrating fraud?


I know. Old Hat.   It's cathartic for me.


Anonymous said...

Fraud? Like Christmas Eve in Cambodia in 1968?

Jess said...

I boycott Heinz products because of Kerry. It's one of the few things I can do to punish the bastard.

Tom Smith said...

He needs to stick that horse face in one of his many bidets and clean that shit off his mouth.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Kerry rode a small boat across Boston harbor, entered the DNC, saluted and said he was reporting for duty and then complain when people used his war record against him? Remember when he was awarded three purple hearts and yet never spent a night in hospital? Yes, these are seared into my memory and I have a hat to prove it!

Freddie Sykes

Anonymous said...

Never mind all those lies he told his slightly less rich first wife (I promise to love you forever, or perhaps, I love you long time, G.I.) before the hook-up with Teresa Heinz.

Sir H the Comet

rickn8or said...

Eight years later. Same pompous ass.
Glad to know there are some things you can count on.
His first CPO didn't raise him right. And I still say Kerry's sitting on some Bad Paper from the Navy.

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