Sunday, January 06, 2013

Two Commies Named Wallace?

FBI reveals surveillance of 60 minutes correspondent Mike Wallace, who was accused of being a communist

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Res Ipsa LoquitorWallace was not discovered to be a communist

 Determining who is or is not a communist is tricky.  The "Hollywood Ten" actually had American Communist Party membership; Roosevelt's closest adviser Harry Hopkins, among others, "was assuredly a major-league Soviet agent."   Had FDR died just a few months earlier,  communist & V.P. Henry A. Wallace would have become president instead of Truman.  Since 1984's CPUSA's  ticket of  Gus Hall/Angela Davis, the Party simply endorses the Democrat Party ticket.  Ahem.

But not being a official member does not mean you can't be a "Communist."  It's here that actions speak louder than a membership card.  I've long been intrigued by  CBS Television News's line of succession since  Edward R. Murrow. Murrow pretty much invented CBS TV NEWS, and was pivotal to the success of  portraying Senator Joseph McCarthy as a "Right Wing Nut."   Murrow decided who would be hired and fired at CBS.  From Walter Cronkite forward, CBS News presenters  have consistently acted in a manner that can only be described as "very acceptable" by Uncle Joe." Wallace included.  I'm just saying. 


Anonymous said...

It's not too late to piss on Walter's grave. I wouldn't watch TV at all but there's a game on today... My money's on Wilson.
ignore amos

Anonymous said...

Just so many times you can dodge a bullet when you're dealing with relentless adversaries.

The problem conservatives have is that we believe our enemies(REgressives) are just like us only believe things we don't-they aren't-there's not a doubt in my mind that Bill Ayers estimate of 25,000,000 that would needed to stood up against a wall is low but they'd proceed anyway. When I see him, the first thing I think of, that is after the image of a baseball bat and his head is gone, is Che.

I'll tell you this Rog, when TSHTF and it's an all out armed conflict, I will show no mercy for the destroyers of my country.

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