Saturday, March 16, 2013

Forgeting and Forgiving Monsters

Anthropology Today

Res Ipsa Loquitor

This proves my theory that Loathing has a half-life of just under 75 years.  Our great-grandchildren will be wearing Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy T-shirts one day.  Can you believe it!?!


Jess said...

Yep, and if we're still alive, they'll be scratching their heads, while wondering why they didn't get a Christmas present.

bocopro said...

Mildly distracting when the base word "antho" is considered, making the term the study of flowering plants.

Being a prick? Oh, I s'pose so, yes.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Okay Anonymous bocopro, I yield to your prick.

bocopro said...

Sometimes I jes' cain't he'p it.

Too many years teachin English, gradin all those insipid papers with the "But I RAN spellchecker!" excuses.

That's what I generally like about this place, and Denny's, and especially e-Claire: mature, reasonable diction, complete sentences, clarity, and style.

As for me, of course, I NEVER make mistrakes, especially in speling.

iri said...

She's got her Big Gulp and her Hitler teeshirt. No doubt a message to Boomberg. Really, the only thing Hitler did wrong was totally destroying the smartest people in his country and letting the French off with a mild slap in the face.

N.O'Really said...

But Hitler did one good thing, iri - he killed Hitler.

Anonymous said...

bocopro, I tried to teach my kid to never rely on spellcheck - but it didn't take hold until he misspelled "I definetely recommend this book" and the checker fixed it - to "defiantly recommend".
Nowadays I just watch the office email (from people who still rely on spellcheck) and see what new words it comes up with - appose? Yup, new word for me.

Anonymous said...

Our great-grandchildren will be wearing Jimmy Carter and Ted Kennedy T-shirts one day.
Sheesh, That would be an impreovement; they're already wearing Uhbama tees.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Wabano said...


Every single Jerry in Hitler's circle was a flaming faggot:


Something the homo mafia has been in denial for sixty years:

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