Thursday, March 28, 2013

Palin Gears Up!

Res Ipsa Loquitor
Not Sarah, But Same Enthusiasm

In a sign of how active Sarah Palin (aka Sarah Connor) intends to be in influencing the 2014 elections, SarahPAC, Sarah Palin's Political Action Committee, released a video on Wednesday meant to ignite independents, conservatives, and Tea Partiers for the 2014 midterm elections. These voters propelled Republican candidates in the historic 2010 midterm elections that saw Republicans take back the House of Representatives on the backs of Tea Party voters.

Titled "Loaded for Bear," the video shows footage and headlines from mainstream media outlets like Politico referring to Palin as a "kingmaker" and conservative outlets like Fox News acknowledging how successfully Palin has used her star-power to help elect conservative candidates to office.


Juice said...

Sarah Palin is inspiring!
I was watching CPAC the day she spoke and all speakers that followed. I saw a tiny glimmer of courage for DC, which is hard to hang onto in the face of Obama and the Rhino Party.

iri said...

Yeah, yeah. Wake me up when it's time to shoot the shits.

Anonymous said...

What, no kids-eye view rollover?

Anonymous said...

I'm with "wildbill" Boss ! ; ) > SMIBSID

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