Saturday, April 13, 2013

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A government report reveals testing in Oklahoma of drones with sensors that can find people and even tell if you are carrying a weapon. It's happening at a remote site near Fort Sill.

The publication Homeland Security Today says the testing is taking place at the Oklahoma Training Center for Unmanned Systems operated by Oklahoma State University. The group doing the work is "a trusted agent" of the federal government. [full]

Only mass demonstrations will help now.  Actions that depend on an informed nation who will, almost spontaneously, rise and threaten  government at the local and national level.   That scenario pretty much describes the early Tea Party, and  more than explains the irrational response from Democrats to it.  I say irrational because what scared all of them were  people who, while angry,  civilly confronted elected Democrats with questions at town meetings; questions they could not answer. 

Historically this type of revolt are led by the young; the college students who understand through class discussion and assembly the nature and magnitude of the threat.  So much for that.

Let me confess here that I was among those who initially  applauded the Bush Administration's sharp reaction after 9-11.  The  restructuring of  national security services into The Department of Homeland Security.  The very name made me cringe, but yes, I was a cheerleader for this  smothering blanket  of government control over every aspect of our lives.

Whether by bad luck or contrivance,  Barry Obama inherited that infrastructure   Homeland Security  have become Obama's promised "private army," and we are in his thrall. That leaves us with but one option;—throw them all down a volcano.  Sigh.  A nasty business that will be, but necessary.


iri said...

If it were possible to eliminate every communist rat bastard in the country, every heathen that has crossed our borders, every traitor, every propagandist and Carl Rove we would still be in the same shape we are today.

When God judged Sodom he gave his local representative Lot the opportunity to save those worth saving and even those in the city that hated Him if only Lot could name a number of righteous souls. He could not. That's where we are today.

If you want to save yourselves and our country draw a circle around the space you occupy and pray that God starts a good work in that little circle.
That is how it's done and the only way it's done. We pass the Word of God along with the ammunition or we lose your country.

Anonymous said...

Lemme see here now;
As long as you want to kill unborn babies, or leave a botched abortion baby to die on a table in the next room, you have a Constitutional "RIGHT to privacy" based on the ruling that “specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance.”

OTOH, if you're walking down the street, or puttering in your garden, .GOV can watch you with a drone, which in turn has a remote operator who could not otherwise see you or determine if you were armed, without a warrant and arrest;
and furthermore,
How is it that "...the RIGHT of the People [you and me] to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed" doesn't have the same or greater status, since it is not only actually in the Constitution, but is stated therein with the absolute imperative "SHALL".
How is it a still RIGHT if you have to ask a government for permission?
I have a RIGHT to life - will I next have to get a government permit to breathe?
Permit for a RIGHT = infringement
License for a RIGHT = infringement
Tax on a RIGHT = infringement
Spying on a RIGHT = infringement
Until I have lost my citizenship RIGHTS thru adjudicated felony conviction, any questioning, probing beyond person to person eyeballing in public places, licensing, taxing, or permitting of any citizen for any RIGHT is an infringement.

Just wear a placard that says "Thinking about abortion" and they'll have to leave you alone.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

...or, as we refer to drones down here, "Government skeet".


Anonymous said...

Interesting thing here. Oklahoma was a hotbed of experimental aviation. The drone component manufacturing came from here. Red Bull racing and their Edge 540 technology is out of the same pipeline as all drone tech. OU and OSU are huge composite engineering programs which again sprung out of the experimental aircraft movement. So drone testing in OK is a given. But the people that surround them are pillars of Mr. Jeffersons Federalis. Oh, and they can all out shoot you. -Anymouse

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