Friday, May 17, 2013

177th and 178th perfect Obama Metaphors

The Perfect All Encompassing Metaphor


Anonymous said...

What a low life POS! He's not worthy of licking the bottom of that Marines shoe. Why is he still in office? If he were a Conservative he would have been ousted 3 years ago. Of course, if he were a Conservative, he wouldn't have done the commie crap that he should be impeached, tried, convicted and executed for.
Just sayin'.

DougM said...

Wellp …
thank goodness there was one good man on hand who could deal with drizzle.

george said...

I imagine fresh water burns his skin.

Anonymous said...


As a citizen of these here United States of America, please accept my apology for the INSULT forced upon a member of your ranks by our unthinking and obviously CLUELESS Commander in Chief.

There is so much Pride invested in each and every Man- and Woman-Child who chooses to wear that particular uniform; ALL of them have given everything they have to earn those colors. For President Clueless to insist on such a face-slap insult is far beyond belief! It stains the valorous History of the Corps,and all just to keep him out of the rain!

What, the White House doesn't have some sort of canopy they could have used? They couldn't have moved this press opportunity out of the Rose Garden and into some Hall or Room in the White House?

Mister President: Mark my words! You EVER INSULT my Brothers In Service to America like this again, and this retired Air Force Medic will be right there on the front lines defending my Brothers (and Sisters) In Arms from your Ignorant and Unfeeling Insults!

These People in Uniform serve the entire United States of America, not just YOU! There are untold millions of us who want you out of office and to just GO AWAY before you REALLY P*SS US OFF!

Respectfully, Mister President, apologize to the Marines who serve us all for the insult you have visited upon then, or run the risk that you have finally p*ssed off too many people for you to recover from!

Anonymous said...

Not your place to apologize Air Force. This Teufelhunden is now a made man among his own. He's not the first Marine to have to shitter detail. Semper Fi Anymouse

BobG said...

I imagine the corporal is very tempted to use that knife-hand...

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