Monday, May 06, 2013

Can You Say "Operation Gunrunner?"

Last Week's, and Possibly All-Time, Most Egregious Insult
Blames Mexican Violence on American Guns

This in-your-face president is, again, celebrating that he can effectively trump truth by making declarations that turn it on its heels. Obama transcends anyone's ability to accurately express the depth of his evil, and breadth of his wickedness.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget the height of His ego.
I didn't know shit would pile that high, but like all the other numbers He lies about, it defies economics, mathematics and science.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, he blames Mexican rape on Mexican women.....

"Mr. President, don't you think that the perps are responsible for their crimes?"

They all laughed and laughed.

Anonymous said...

Since he "thinks" that guns *make* people shoot people instead of the other way 'round, then maybe he shouldn't have sent so many down to Ol' Mex...

just an elephant in the room....


DougM said...

He insults his countrymen while on foreign soil and gives invaders cause to hate us.
What do we call that, boys an' girls?

Jess said...

The story is being pushed to the back burner. I think it's because the Mexican gun laws are very restrictive, like Obama wants, and the restrictive laws haven't done a damned thing except get a lot of people killed.

Even the low information voters can figure this out.

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