Sunday, June 02, 2013

Coulda been Teresa Heinz. I'm just sayin

Balls and Strikes
Res Ipsa Loquitor

During a long rain delay, a baseball color commentator decides to kill some time by sharing a little trivia with the play-by-play announcer.

"I'll bet you don't know who hit the most home runs between 1955 and 1975," the color man says.

"Everyone knows that," says the announcer, "Hank Aaron."

"How about who had the most RBI's between 1955 and 1975?"

"Easy," says the announcer, "Hank Aaron again."

"OK, here's a harder one. Know who got hit on the chin with the most balls between 1955 and 1975?"

"I'm not sure on that one, but I'm guessing Hank Aaron."

"Nope," says the color man, "Liberace." 

Tim W


iri said...

My father, a very tough customer allowed that program to play once in awhile but he must have known. I knew there was something terribly wrong with the man even at that age. That was the beginning of tolerance and the end of America. Baby boomers had nothing to do with it.

Juice said...

Balls Lady there reminds me of NancyPeloosi.

Steve in Greensboro said...

That's John Francois Kerret's sugar mamma. Her current husband doesn't have those.

Juice said...

Ditto to Steve in Greensboro. She very much favors Teresa Heinz Kerry, over Nanc the pantz

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