Saturday, August 03, 2013

Tea Party v. Bush-McCain Republicans

Tea Party PACs Clean Rove’s Clock

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Earlier this year we brought CHQ readers news of establishment Republican election guru Karl Rove’s plan to take unto himself the decision about which candidates in Republican primaries were “electable” and which were not.

The enforcement mechanism Rove intended use in this effort was to be the millions of dollars in “Super PAC” money ... from the multimillionaire donors who funded his outrageously expensive and largely unsuccessful efforts in the 2012 election cycle.

Except the millions of dollars Rove and company were expected to raise haven’t shown up yet.

What’s more, the two major Tea Party oriented Super PACs – the Tea Party Patriots Citizens Fund super PAC and the PAC raised more than Rove’s three PACs combined. [Tea Party PACs Clean Rove’s Clock]

As my dad used to say, "Ooh-Ooh Butch!"


Anonymous said...

Be still my beating heart.

Anonymous said...

I got a fund raising email from Rove about how crucial the 2014 Senate elections are blah blah...Your support is vital to ensuring Republicans have the resources necessary for victory. so, donate $100 to my PAC, etc.
I reminded him that

"Your organization and the RNC is the group of geniuses who gave us the likes of McCain, Amnesty Graham, Murkowski, Lugar and Specter, while ignoring or working against real conservatives. Thanks to your lack of support or outright antagonism towards conservative candidates, we lost an oportunity to take control of the Senate in 2010 and 2012.

It's pretty obvious you don't get it or don't care, other than to maintain your luxury lifestyle as self-appointed kingmaker and the power and perks of the old mangy lions you sponsor, bungling one election after another since 2006.
Never a dime for Democrat Lite.
Get out of my life."
Haven't had a reply, yet.

Jess said...

They exist in D.C., pursuing the intoxicating fumes of unicorn farts.

While they, and the press, think the taxpayers will take this laying down, they're obviously oblivious of the anger. They'll eventually fight dirty, but they're all so outnumbered they'll never have a chance.

Steve in Greensboro said...

Grahamnesty has a Tea Party challenger. I am contributing.

Stick said...

Rove is the reason we have Obamacare. His running scared from Christine O'Donnell (Who we now know was hacked & sacked by Obama operatives) and Sharron Angle is the reason we have Obamacare. I wouldn't piss on his head if it was on fire.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to know, like has been revealed regarding huge charity organizations (United Way, Hatian relief, et. al.) how much of one's contribution to a Rovian PAC actually is used in elections, as opposed to the PAC's officals.

I would like to see all of them (no matter what side) taxed like businesses, because that is really what they are. I don't think votes are any longer bought by a mailer or a TV ad. I think they are just vehicles for politicans or wannabes enrichment.


Anonymous said...

Rodge, it seems like the older these people get, the more liberal they get.

If you ever feel a tingle up your leg, you'll tell us so we can intervene, right?


Anonymous said...

Rove: The Architect ... of the biggest political ass-kicking in decades.



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