Saturday, September 21, 2013

The C-Roll Stash

It's on the 3rd floor of do-me suite
At Blue Jays  hotel.
"Heartbreak Hotel" Track

   The SkyDome sex was a recurring problem, thanks to persistent guests of the Renaissance Hotel—the room windows looked right out onto the field. From an undated Slam! Sports article:

    Since it opened in 1989, there have been at least three incidents at the hotel where couples were having sex in plain view of tens of thousands of fans, as well as one incident when a man was thrown out of the hotel for masturbating at the window, believing it was one-way glass.

    "We have a unique product here. Obviously, in hotel rooms around the world, who knows what happens. But here, it's kind of like a fishbowl," [Dan, director of operations for Renaissance] Woodburn said.

    For stats nuts, the Blue Jays are 2-3 when hotel guests are caught getting naked or getting it on.

I  watched a Jays-Oriole  game the year the Sky-Dome opened.  The camera panned the hotel and a woman  wearing a slip was visible in one of the rooms. The announcer-I think Jim Palmer- said "We'd better watch what we're broadcasting here," and related the sexcapade that had just recently made news (the first of three times)."  Anyway, I stumbled across this site that somehow got hold of the full feed of many original, erm, candid broadcast videos from various sport venues.  They are quite candid, so needless to say "NSFW." 



DJMoore said...

Good Lord, what is that little girl with a black bra doing there? She's too young to even NEED a bra!

That people would bring a child into a shameful public display like....

Oh, wait. I just failed my Rorschach, didn't I?

DougM said...

I'd'a been entertained if he'd'a just reached second base.

iri said...

I thought we all agreed that porn and ballgames don't go well together? Oh, well not a total loss. That website had this and oddly enough I just got back from the H.E.B. with all the stuff to make it happen.

How To Make A Reuben Sandwich And Embrace Entropy

I could tell right away this guy knows Reuben.

Anonymous said...

Prez has a breakdown?

iri said...

Drug overdose is my take on the rumor. Cool, I hope the military is on the ball..and of course they are more than on the ball.

Merrily said...

Sorry! ^^^^^^ I posted that.

iri said...

Nice catch. Let's hope it's not too serious if true.

Merrily said...

Never mind...the presidential breakdown was an internet rumor. My apologies.
Never mind - Emily Litella

iri said...

Thank Allah!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Too late Merrily - my crack White House correspondent got pictures.

Anonymous said...

It may be idle gossip or wishful thinking on the writer's part, but would not surprise me at all if true. Uhbama's always had everything handed to him, just like all the kids nowadays who get a T-ball trophy just for showing up, and as a result, such an empty suited, thin-skinned pussy is likely to fold if forced to face a series of real adversarial occasions.
Wouldn't hurt my feelings at all if that meglalomaniacal bastard jumps off the balcony in that pic.
At least Hitler had the courage to shoot himself.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

iri said...

"At least Hitler had the courage to shoot himself"


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