Thursday, September 12, 2013

Where's the Left's "Right to Privacy" Now?

Res Ipsa Loquitor

If you think the Obama health law is only for the uninsured and you won’t be affected, you’re in for a surprise next time you go to the doctor. Be prepared for questions unrelated to why you are seeking medical help — questions that you don’t want to answer.

Whether you’re at the dermatologist or the cardiologist, you’ll likely be asked: “Are you sexually active? If so, do you have one partner, multiple partners or same-sex partners?”

Res Ipsa Loquitor

This is nasty business,” says Dr. Adam Budzikowski, a New York cardiologist, who called the sex question “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He could not think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information.

Doctors are being turned into government agents, where they’re pressured financially to ask questions they consider inappropriate and unnecessary and violate their Hippocratic Oath to keep patients’ records confidential.

Going to the doctor can be embarrassing. But for your own good, you confide in your doctor, as you wouldn’t anyone else. What is happening here is different.

“This is nasty business,” says Dr. Adam Budzikowski, a New York cardiologist, who called the sex question “insensitive, stupid and very intrusive.” He could not think of an occasion when a cardiologist would need such information. (full)

"Mr. Tom Jefferson on line 2 sir.  He says it's urgent"


Unknown said...

Sexually active? yes...multiple partners? yes, they entire government is f****ng me.

drew458 said...

Goggle up a bigger version of that therapist pic and read her clipboard. Sign me up please!

Rodger the Real King of France said...

OMG Drew, I had no idea. I am sorry everyone. Don't do it.

Anonymous said...

drew, a link is helpful.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

NOW we know why congress has exempted themselves.

iri said...

I think I'd pay out of pocket for that ladies therapy. Really, how much could it be?

Wabano said...

"My soft nipple in his mouth"

That would be very effective...

Anonymous said...

The government doesn't really need the information and won't do anything constructive with it.

The primary purpose is to dominate and control. Just like the groping and feeling up by TSA agents. It serves to remind us who is in charge and to keep us in a subsurvient posture.

As my old D.I. said - "When I get done with you, you'll be lower than whale shit."

Anonymous said...

"Yes, I had anal sex with Barry Obama. He was the passive partner. He told me that I had the biggest...uhm, is this gonna go on my record?

Anyway, he seemed to have a good time.

Are you telling me I have chlamydia?

pdwalker said...

Her treatment must be a placebo. Just thinking about it makes me feel all better all over.

Anonymous said...

"Define sexually active, please. If I'm still not clear on the concept, can I demonstrate what I think you mean on your nurse?"

I think that should take care of it.

My buddy once got out of a rectal exam by asking if the doctor would mind if he masturbated during the procedure.


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