Saturday, November 16, 2013

Coach Wookie Robinson

Michelle's Brother, OSU Hoops Coach
will no one rid us of this meddlesome family

Coach Craig 'Wookie' Robinson,
Coach Craig Robinson, the First Lady's brother.

This is via the Testudo Times. the premier Terps blog. Someone posted this picture of Barry posing with his (ahem) high school hoops team.  I prolly do 6-7 photochops a day, because thats my hobby, and I'll be damned if this doesn't look like someone dropped Obama into that sea of white kids.  I'm not claiming it is photochopped, just that by now the bastid has passed so much bad "paper" that I put nothing past him and his posse. The dozen or so comments after the pic are interesting.

Oh, if Obama's going to be at the game, that means his peg-boy, Gov. Martin O'Malley, will insinuate himself into the scene.  My fondest wish is that both are booed out of the house and pelted with
GI Joe brand pineapples (just kidding of course)


iri said...

That is one butt ugly family.

rickn8or said...

I wonder if Teh iWon will pass in a play to Coach Robinson, a la Richard Nixon?

If so, will Coach Robinson use it and lose this game and every previous game all season? If so who will Teh iWon then blame?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think Coach Robinson was hired for the same reason Michelle was hired by that hospital she looted, or Hillary was hired by Rose Law. I give him 2 years, max.

Jess said...

I can see a shaved Wookie is as disconcerting as a shaved poodle.

After a season, or two, the fans will avoid the game to avoid seeing the coach.

Revernd Idaho Spud said...

So, do you think anyone that was in the high school pic is still alive that would remember if O was actually on the team? Just thinking of Seal Team 6. Wait, that's just conspiracy talk, never mind.
By the way Roger, New Book by Roger Stone, "The man who killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ.

iri said...

"...still alive that would remember if O was actually on the team?"

Rev. Manning interviews Mia Marie Pope who remembers Barry from his teenage years in Hawaii playing for the other team.

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