Friday, November 15, 2013

Mitch McConnell as Black Bart

Black Bart

Looks like McConnell is picking up enemies like crazy.  Imaging threatening individual blog owners!  I think he’ll lose.


NRSC, Dayspring Threaten Blogger With Private Emails, Black-listing

November 12, 2013
I was debating whether to publish this post. After seeing this below pop up just now, I decided to go with it. There may be a part two, as well. Stay tuned.
Evidently it isn’t only groups establishment Republicans are now threatening and blacklisting. I received similar threats below last week. See below.
Mitch McConnell has a bad habit of blaming the grassroots for the party’s losses and ignoring our role in the party’s victories.
Immediately after learning of a recent NRSC effort to attack the GOP’s grassroots base and any potential primary challenges to its incumbents, I shot off an email to them suggesting a conference call, as I suspected the tactics would backfire. I still believe that and, in fact, they already have. The opposition to McConnell in Kentucky has grown significantly precisely because of the heavy-handed tactics of what appears to be a bunch of frat boys running wild and carelessly running their mouths on behalf of the NRSC.
They seem to have a bad habit of doing that from the New York Times, to Twitter and now to bloggers in email. Big mistake.

[Elective Aside] The first time Mitch McConnell crossed my radar was in 1990.  First elected to the senate in 1984, on the coattails of Reagan's landslide victory, I'd paid scant attention to him. In 1990 he faced a daunting reelection challenge, and it's here I remember him
for this reason. 

Black Mitch
I was watching C-Span one night and, horry clap!there was Ronald Maximus giving a stump speech for Mitch.  Reagan had yet to announce, nor even know I suppose, that he was suffering from Alzheimer's, but it was one of the few times I'd seen him since he left office.  If RR was going to bat for him, then the goofy looking Mitch McConnell was duly registered in my brainal file system as "Good Man!"

I'm not necessarily saying now that McConnell is a bad man; you can be the judge of that. But he is a leader in the GOP
that rudderless mothership for establishment Republicans who fought tooth and nail against even Reagan's nomination. And whose comfort zone includes Ted Kennedy over Sarah Palin; and desire the approbation of CBS and the New York Times over the wishes of the electorate.

If I was writing a political thriller screenplay, about how Democrats and Republicans had agreed to work together, the better to guide the proletariat into brave new worlds they probably wouldn't want to visit, while locking out potential spoilers; then Mitch would be played by Black Bart.


Anonymous said...

"Not a platform; a promise."
Try "a get us reelected platform and a broken promise."
McConnell is a finger-in-the-wind, fence straddling weasel.
I already contributed to Matt Bevin. Fuck "Mitch".
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

well done Rodger!

iri said...

At some point these are the only conclusions one can come to. I didn't really start to get it until W's second term but I'd had suspicions for a long time before. We have a long hard road ahead.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

" I didn't really start to get it until W's second term but I'd had suspicions for a long time before. We have a long hard road ahead. "

You mind-reader, you.

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