Friday, November 15, 2013

Why liberals are panicked ...

     Why liberals are panicked ...

[] The centerpiece of this vision is, of course, Obamacare, the most sweeping social reform in the past half-century, affecting one-sixth of the economy and directly touching the most vital area of life of every citizen.

As the only socially transformational legislation in modern American history to be enacted on a straight party-line vote, Obamacare is wholly owned by the Democrats. Its unraveling would catastrophically undermine their underlying ideology of ever-expansive central government providing cradle-to-grave care for an ever-grateful citizenry.

For four years, this debate has been theoretical. Now it’s real. And for Democrats, it’s a disaster. [

Well, yeah, they're panicked, but I've read this book before.  It was called "Clinton Impeached."  Featured that night on the news was Al Gore, from the South Lawn of the White House where Willy was being feted,  saying that  "the House vote to impeach President Clinton “disregarded the plain wishes and good will of the American people and the plain meaning of our Constitution. [And that he was one of Americas's greates presidents]”   

In the weeks that followed, after the Senate failed to convict,  the media were able to convince America that. not only was Clinton never impeached, but thevery attempt was an invasion of his personal privacy, and that the blow-jobs he was getting from Monica Lewinsky were not even adulterous.  From that moment on, every school girl would be cajoled with, "Come on, it's not sex; it's just a blow job." 

Before this is over, the media will have George W. Bush and Mitt Romney on the dock for high treason; wait and see.. 


iri said...

Smoke and mirrors as is the meme that the GOP are moderates. The truth is our GOP elitists are only moderate communists acting that way to move the social transformation along and make it look like there's nothing to be done that isn't being tried to stem the dark tide of our country's demise. Krotchhammer is the number one mouthpiece for this false flag operation and NewsCorp is the amplifier.

That's what I see.

Anonymous said...

I've never been in an orgy (allergic to Mazola oil) but this week in politics is as close as I'll get. This failure of the democrap machine is all-day orgasmic.

Skoonj said...

They may be panicked, but rely on RINOs to lend them a hand. Today the House voted on Rep. Upton's bill to do pretty much what Obama said he wanted. The bill passed, with 39 Democrats voting for it. Rather than imagining that these Democrats are jumping ship, what they are doing is getting cover for the 2014 election. All Democrats voted for Obamacare, but now these 39 will be able to say they are against it now that they see what it's really like.

Upton is the Republican who shoved twisty light bulbs down our throats and is getting rid of the safer, less expensive bulbs we have now. He is doing great work for the Democrats, and the left in general.

Snackeater said...

So the 39 (D)s who voted for the Upton bill's cover for the 2014 elections will be "I voted for it before I voted against it?" I wonder if that'll work out any better this time.

Anonymous said...

With all the bullshit coming from Oprah and (of course) Pinocchio Pelosi), I have to wonder if they are The Lying Mother-fucking Ayatollah Obama's Monica.

But, we all know that Ayatollah Obama would lie about it, if asked, don't we. But to ask him openly would be racist. And then Oprah would really have a race-fueled meltdown. BTW, does anyone actually watch her afternoon show anymore?


Anonymous said...

Scottiebill BTW, does anyone actually watch her afternoon show anymore?
Maybe 8-10 years ago, Oprah featured on her TV show “the 16 best high school students in America”, all of whom scored 1600 on their SAT’s. 12 of the 16 were black, a statistical near impossibilty. Right then and there, in the middle of that show, I concluded she was a closet racist, turned off the TV, and have never since that day watched anything she was in.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

iri said...

"12 of the 16 were black,"

Where are they and what are they doing today would make a great show. We might even find out they are the love children of Walt Williams and Tom Sowell with maybe even one by Clarence T. That would be fun.

Skoonj said...

1600 on their SATs? I don't know about that, but when I went to high school, many years ago in New York City, I met several students who scored 800 on the math, and the minimum 200 on the English. They were all Chinese, and just off the boat as they say. Every one of them received a scholarship to MIT.

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