scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, January 13, 2014
Dumb and Dumber - Hank Johnson
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Lets not forget Corrine Brown-Stain (D)umb from Florida.
Tim -
1/13/14, 1:17 PM
MurphyAZ said...
What we need is, basically, a presidential order from the very next (seemingly) Conservative occupant of the White House making it illegal to be Liberal at penalty of death. Then we need a presidential proclamation of a $25 Federal bounty paid for any Liberal hide turned in at any Federal courthouse.
The press release could say that the gummint is doing it "for the good of the Liberal herd, culling out the weak and infirmed so the survivors can produce a more viable breeding stock." Then the New President conveniently "forgets" to set a limit on how many to take before the "problem" is solved!
Who says all those voices in my head are dangerous? -
1/13/14, 1:41 PM
Esteve said...
I fully endorse Tim's nomination of Corine Brown who may well be the dumbest of the lot. Who can forget her floor speech to "Gradulate the Gator" for winning a national championship in football. The level of her ignorance is epic. I think her handlers have learned to keep her quiet in Washington but she never fails to make a fool of herself when she speaks in Jacksonville. Thankfully, through redistricting, she is no longer my Representative.
1/13/14, 3:46 PM
- LargeBill said...
GOP is too darn scared to take bold action, but I've long said they need to aggressively target the incredibly stupid DEM congresscritters with ads that show them at their worst (Guam will tip over) and then ask those voters "Are you really dumb enough to re-elect this moron?"
They need to stop pretending these people merit any respect! Heck, I'd consider responding to their fund raising solicitations if they grew a pair and fought the Johnson's, Pelosi's, Watters, etc like that. -
1/14/14, 9:34 AM
- mperkins37 said...
Leaving Wasserman-Test off the list is criminal. Greyson, Weiner...
1/14/14, 12:54 PM