scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, January 12, 2014
If you can't touch it, it's not yours
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
I would have trusted Ann Barnhardt in her earlier days...BEFORE she threw away her house and chose to live out of a van and work cleaning toilets (NOT a "menial" job...so don't think I'm "judging" her in that sense). I think she's gone off the deep end, in a self-destructive (NOT meaning suicidal) mode, to the point her balance is no longer "there." She articulate as hell. She makes great points. She also happens to to be nuts at this point (I think you young'uns say "jumped the shark"). I wish her well, but VERY GUARDEDLY listen to a thing she says.
1/12/14, 7:04 PM
- Revernd Idaho Spud said...
She's wrong on one point. If some of our wealth is 1's and 0's subject to the whims of a bank keystroke that may be true, but our real wealth she claims, is that which we can hold and defend with an AR? We can defend our "stuff" or our "things" to a point. As long as the aggressor is weaker, less prepared. None of us can stay awake 24 hours continuously in a defense mode unless we incorporate a family, friends or our own small army. At some point, even these schemes will succumb to a larger faction that is more organized or more powerful and especially such a group as who do not respect any law. Then, it becomes survival of the fittest, and them it becomes do I survive with all my stuff or do I just survive? Today we are shown that Muslims will take what they want if tribute is not paid. From failure to attend a prayer meeting or disrespecting the profit. Survival will hinge on deciding to collectively defend ourselves and against whom. The confusion many have is who is the enemy today, including possibly our own government?
1/13/14, 12:07 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I began the video at what I thought was a good start point and suggested "2 minutes" because that's as far as I git, and because she is dead on about that. Any securities, or savings you have in a bank or financial institution are undefendable. Access can be cut off by fiat by any criminally minded government (gee, will we ever have one of those?). I took it to mean that as much as you feel prudent, convert stuff to easily traded commodities, like silver and gold.
1/13/14, 12:39 PM
Anonymous said...
...and hard liquor.
Casca -
1/13/14, 6:09 PM