Friday, February 14, 2014

If Satan and Whole Cloth had another child...?


Bad Judges
Arenda L. Wright Allen
nominated by President Barack Obamao
Birth Announcement

"The court is compelled to conclude that Virginia's Marriage Laws unconstitutionally deny Virginia's gay and lesbian citizens the fundamental freedom to choose to marry [into a same sex union]."
Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen: Va. same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional

Answering the  question, "If Satan and Whole Cloth had another child...?


Anonymous said...

About time

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's one thing to legislate; quite another to create "natural law." If you are so very concerned with stuff "unconstitutional," a good case can be made for this entire issue which has been moved forward by fiat, not congress; not by voters. I for one could care less what you do in bed, and with whom, but I do care a good deal about legislating from the bench by corrupt Judges with a political agenda.

Anonymous said...

Marriage is between two families, and God if they have one.
The only reason we get the State involved is because it's been written into the tax code. The State has no right to be involved in marriage. Did Jacob have to petition for his right to be married? Isaac? Etc back to Adam?

Anonymous said...

What Rodger said, and the Virginia AG took an oath to uphold the Virginia Constitution, which contains a gay marriage clause put there by the voters of Virginia a few years ago, yet he took the plaintiff's side and argued against Virginia. He claimed not to do so would be "against his conscience".
If that were so, and he actually has a conscience, at the least he should have remained silent or more appropriately, resigned.
I'm pretty damned sick and tired of Dems (yes he's a Dem, how did you know?) mantra of "the law is for thee and a mere suggestion for me, to be applied when politically expedient."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

iri said...

"Marriage is between two families, and God if they have one."

I disagree. There are too many f'ed up "families" and too many f'd up "gods". The culture and traditions of the people (majority) must be respected by all if there is to be a civil society. I've been feeling really uncivil lately.

Jess said...

I was married in front a J.P.; and a prayer was said. God didn't ask for a penny, didn't ask if I read the marriage laws, or strike me with lightening because he knew more about me than I did.

All in all, the only reason politicians and activists are getting their panties in a knot, is because they can see the revenue from same sex marriages. It's foolish to think anything otherwise and the ultimate result is growing of the false religion called Statism.

A wise person would know this and be wary of anyone that promotes such a thing.

iri said...

It's got nothing to do with money Jess. These people want a lot more than that.

Anonymous said...

Good Lord, have we sunk so far? Marriage is/was upheld by the state because civilization is built upon the f'ing family, because that is how civilization is perpetuated. F'ing hell man, this used to be so obvious as to not need to be said.

iri said...

“But I would say, you know, if you’re getting married -- why are you getting married?" Pelosi asked. "Why would you get married? Why would anybody get married? In that the person that they love so much, that was irresistible, that they had to get married?”

Nancy Pelosi - lapsed human being

Rodger the Real King of France said...

"Nancy Pelosi - lapsed human being"

Anonymous said...

I have oft thought that 'gay marriage' was about being accepted as equal, non-stained, non-messed up, non-abnormal, normal, and more or less just as good if not better than heterosexual marriage.
If the marriage label is used to honor same-sex unions, then the words of the Bible along the lines of 'fill up the earth' are meaningless.
The country & government support the idea of marriage to provide order and succession to families.
Without order and succession, no one knows who should get what spot of dirt, and the stuff on it, and no one would know who was REALLY their first-cousin along with all that entails.
"Gay Marriage" solves none of those problems, but puts their unions 'on par' with the historical unions of people and families.
If the concern is about stuff and succession, it is easier to write a black letter law contract, without all the brouhaha. When Daddy Bob and Daddy Phil both die and go to heaven, their home & stuff can be inherited by whatever they stipulate in their will, or by 'adoptees', or natural children should one or both of the two be so blessed. We don't have many principalities and duchys to worry about...
The sob stories are what they call anecdotal rather than widespread.
BTW, if the state and feds were out of the taxation business, none of this would matter one cow flop.

Anonymous said...

>Marriage is/was upheld by the state because...
Government is God. Get in line and ask my permission.
Fixed that for you, Anon. You're welcome.

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