Ppl post
this shit on FBook. I don't know how to refute it.
Merrily We Go Along
Yes you do Merrily
Statistics are used much
like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination. (Vin Scully)

it's an irrefutable truth that all elected democrats are liars.
These message factoids
are targeted at the dismally Lo-Fo consumer. Additionally, there
irrefutable truth that the very genetic structure that create Liberal
receptors, tangentally make it impossible to understand national
defense, economics, or right from wrong. I personally think it's caused by
Obama continues to set new records for mendacity. First, and most
importantly, he and his congressional lickspittles front-load all
legislation so that true costs will not kick in until he's out of
office. In the case of Obamacare, for example, after
the true disastrous consequences of that legislation, he's used his
magical pen to extralegally change the dates when piper is
to be paid.
Anyway, don't worry about it; we'll have to kill all of them (in the
good way) at some point anyway. They are a cancer. |