Friday, April 25, 2014

Fish out of the pool, and one in it, that oughtn't

Two Sorry—ass Scenes

A Sorry State of Affairs


Helly said...

Two things.

1. Yic, I hate unsanitary conditions. Just the other day at Costco, a Democrat had his diapered toddler with filthy booties riding the checkout conveyor. I refused to unload my cart. ((Also, it's weird when they go around with live kids.))

2. Male bathing attire is becoming more extreme in both directions. We're seeing both thongs and calf-length ghetto shorts. With Global Encoldenment, we expect more of these Lefty beach antics from around the world. I avert my eyes.

rickn8or said...

Just so long as it doesn't require women to go back to the 1890's swimwear...

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