art is everywhere A
Thriller From
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Malaysian flight 370
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Tom Smith said...
Oh, why not!! Like to see FAA regs that state the religion and nationality of the pilots must be printed on the tickets at time of issue.
4/12/14, 2:51 PM
bocopro said...
For the record: I didn't write that. Got it in e-mail without attribution. All the sender said about it was that he got it from a '"spin doctor'" and that could mean anybody from Jay Carney to Art Carney.
And I'm an old country boy from Boone County, Indiana. Been through Texas a lotta times, but never lived there. Been sorta permanent in the Florida panhandle for the past 30 years after bouncin around the world compliments of the USN for 24 years. -
4/12/14, 4:07 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
crap, i was already spending the movie money
4/12/14, 4:23 PM
TimO said...
How about this: When they saw his plane turned toward Diego Garcia (which is a stopover point for B-2 stealth bombers BTW), they remotely mucked with his navigation system and sent the plane off into the void toward the Antarctic where it could could crash without HAVING to be shot down....
4/12/14, 9:21 PM
Anonymous said...
Funny , I said the same thing a few weeks ago at a party , and everyone looked at me and said "What's Diego Garcia ?" I said that the same place they have Osama Bin Laden taped to a chair ! Several years ago I worked in a room in Dalgren , Va. , and before entering I was told not to look up , fix the equipment that I was there to fix , and get out . I was being escorted , but could not help myself from taking a peek . One entire wall of the room was a computer screen , and on the screen was a map of that region from China , down through the Indian Ocean . There were many different colored blips moving about the map , So I know damn well they were tracking EVERYTHING that moved in that entire region ! Somebody knows where that plane is , and they ain't talking ; / > SMIBSID
4/13/14, 10:08 AM