Tuesday, April 22, 2014



A recent USA Today poll found that those opposed to ObamaCare were more enthusiastic about voting this November. In addition, a recent AP poll found that, since Obama's reelection, there was been a 10-point swing towards Republicans in voter self-identification. Today, 41% of voters consider themselves Democrat or Democrat-leaning, while 39% now say they are Republicans. Democrats had a 12-point advantage at the end of 2012.

Verily I say unto you; what good to win the Senate but lose our soul by electing RINO?

The Republicans need to pick up 6 seats to take control of the Senate. The party appears half-way there, with almost certain wins in West Virginia and South Dakota and a big advantage in Montana. Until recent months, most observers assumed that control of the Senate would rest on four deeply-red states; i.e. Alaska, Arkansas, Louisiana and North Carolina. Under that scenario, the GOP would need to win three of those four contests to take the majority.

In recent weeks, however, the Senate battleground has expanded at the expense of the Democrats. Democrat retirements in Iowa and Michigan have made those states very competitive. A recent poll in New Hampshire, which is home to many transplants from Massachusetts, put former GOP MA Sen. Scott Brown just six points behind incumbent Dem. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen. In Colorado, popular GOP Rep. Cory Gardiner is challenging freshman Dem. Mark Udall in the swing state.

The Democrat party is on the defensive in Colorado after two Democrat state Senators were ousted in recall elections last year as a result of their push for gun control. A third Democrat state Senator facing recall resigned, as her ouster would have given Republicans control of the state Senate.

The GOP senate primaries are critical.  Where (true) Teapartiers are nominated; wins happen. And change happens.  For a few years anyway. Then they all ... you know, have to be replaced by true Teapartiers themselves. Say Amen. 


Anonymous said...

I think my boy Cruz will stay loyal to us. As much as we need his type in the White House, I hope he decides to shoot for Senate Majority Leader. Dingy Harry has shown us how powerful that position can be.

DougM said...

Amen, bro'.
Gonna be fun, here in NC.
Early voting is next week.

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