Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dennis Prager Q & A

"Dennis Praeger:If Obama died today nothing would change.
Here's Why"

Spot-On!  The useful idiots came out in droves for this one, a sure indication that their ox had been gored.  Sample.

Dennis Prager is just another zionist warmonger to ignore.

I love how he likes to play intellectual in front of his idiotic audience.  Its pretty easy to be a giant amongst midgets.

Prager is suffering under a few ambient delusions, which by his rhetoric we can expect he will not easily remedy.  Yes, all that is true, that Americans have forgotten what it means to be an American.  But that did not happen vicariously, as in a vacuum.  That did not happen because of American prosperity.  It happened because where there is prosperity

  "They're preoccupied in Europe about vaction & retirement etc"?   Straw man argument . On the whole, people in Europe live much more secure and prosperous lives than millions of Americans , because they have a secure safety net, unlike the U.S.
Prager fails to mention that because of our disastrous supply side economic  system,

He referred to sarah (Palin) as govenor?! What a joke. 
  George M


Kung Pow said...

Thanks, I needed to hear what Dennis Praeger said.

Anonymous said...

Until Valerie Jarrett, George Soros and Bill Ayers bite the dust, Obama is relevant as the Puppet/Pretender in Chief. The Puppet Masters need to be eliminated first. Obama is just a tool, an Alinsky trained operative. Period. Just like the Wizard of OZ. Eliminate the Azz Hats behind the curtain and He's just an Illegal Alien that attended college on Foreign Passport ID, never published anything in the Harvard Law Review and smoked dope in Pakistan while the plan was laid to put him in office through Voter Fraud and Low Info, Low IQ voters, Unions and Fools placed him in a position to destroy the greatest Nation on Earth.

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