Tuesday, May 20, 2014


One morning three South Georgia good old boys and three Yankees were in a ticket line at the Atlanta train station heading to Athens, GA for a big football game.

The three Northerners each bought a ticket and watched as the three Southerners bought just one ticket among them.

"How are the three of you going to travel on one ticket?" asked one of the Yankees.

"Watch and learn," answered one of the boys from the South.

When the six travelers boarded the train, the three Yankees sat down, but the three Southerners crammed into a bathroom together and closed the door.

Shortly after the train departed, the conductor came around to collect tickets.

He knocked on the bathroom door and said, "tickets please." The door opened just a crack, and a single arm emerged with a ticket in hand. The conductor took it and moved on.

The Yankees saw this happen and agreed it was quite a clever idea. Indeed, so clever that they decided to do the same thing on the return trip and save some money.

That evening after the game, when they got to the train station, they bought a single ticket for the return trip, while to their astonishment the three Southerners didn't buy even one ticket.

"How are you going to travel without a ticket?"asked one of the perplexed Yankees.

"Watch and learn, answered one of the Southern boys.

When they boarded the train, the three Northerners crammed themselves into a bathroom, and the three Southerners crammed themselves into the other bathroom across from it.

Shortly after the train began to move, one of the Southerners left their bathroom and walked quietly over to the Yankees' bathroom. He knocked on the door and said, "ticket please."

There's just no way on God's green earth to explain how the South lost the Civil War.

Wally "Cleaver" Ruzekio


Chris in NC said...

They lost because of the hamburger hill style of combat. The north sent wave after wave of troops, totally unconcerned about the numbers of casualties and just overwhelmed them.

I had a rare history teacher at my school in Detroit. He was a southerner and taught like it.

Tom Smith said...

Not lost yet

Anonymous said...

Like Tom said.........

DJMoore said...

Oh, come on, people! You know why the South lost; you just don't want to admit it!

The South lost because it was run by Democrats. QEFD.

DougM said...

Industrial vs agrarian, and numbers.
Lincoln eventually found generals who understood that calculus, i.e. modern warfare.

Helly said...


I'm sure you won't mind if I retell that story substituting Vermonters and Floridians.

Anonymous said...

Slave labor drive out free enterprise. The South had few businessmen or mechanics, so they lost on materiel as well as population.

Leonard Jones said...

I was born and raised in the Southern California
area. I have known a number of uneducated Southerners
who were more astute many PHD's. Southern does not
necessarily mean stupid!

Hell_Is_Like_Newark said...

Might have gone differently if England joined the war on the Southern side. It almost happened.

Anonymous said...

"Might have gone differently if England joined the war on the Southern side. It almost happened."

No it didn't. Not even close. This canard has been endlessly repeated by the anti-corporatists, whose wishful thinking had the Manchester textile factory owners dictating British foreign policy in the 19th century. Nice thought, except it never happened. By 1860, public opinion was so against slavery (more so than in the northern U.S. states) that any British government even mentioning joining the Confederate cause would result in being tossed out of office through a no-confidence vote in the Commons. Read Hansard and the contemporaneous editorials of The Times (as I've done) if you want to gauge the mood of the era.

There was never a chance -- not one -- of Britain forming a diplomatic or military alliance with the Confederacy.

drew458 said...

Anonymous is right on the money. Let's put that wet dream away forever. FIFTY TWO YEARS before the War began, the Brits were at sea capturing or sinking every slave ship they found. Read it and weep. And they kept right at it, and got American Navy support after 1820, and together they kept capturing ships and freeing imprisoned Africans until after our War began. Hell, they freed so damn many slaves from those ships they had to give them their own COUNTRY, Sierra Leone. Which was the one and only safe place for blacks in Africa, where other blacks wouldn't try to capture them as slaves again.

So, form a political alliance with a slaving nation after their Great Navy fought and bled for more than 2 generations freeing slaves and stopping the slave trade? Not a chocolate snowball's chance in Hell.

Oooh, there's a great conversation starter if you ever cross paths with an African Studies major. "So, tell me about the roots of Sierra Leone."

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