scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, August 15, 2014
'births that are unworthy..."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
The question is not whether parents can or should be "licensed" to have children.
The question is: What happens when someone doesn't qualify for their license? How would the Gummint prevent them from having chilluns?
As usual with the Left, it's all about intentions, and the outcomes are irrelevant.
As a wise man once said: pay no attention to where the line are being drawn; pay attention to who is drawing the line.
Kim -
8/15/14, 12:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Straight from the writings of Margaret Sanger.
Tim -
8/15/14, 4:21 PM
bocopro said...
My hobby is writing -- poetry, short fiction, long fiction, articles, rants . . . . .
Some years ago I wrote a novella on that very thing, a bioengineered microorganism with roughly 95% effectiveness that when introduced in a local water supply would render males infertile and females incapable of ovulation.
Some guys build boats in their basements that no one will ever sail; I write stories in my office that no one will ever read.
Normally I'll put a finished story away for a year or so, then pull it out to edit and smooth it up. Often they expose facets of my personality I'd really rather no one else know about.
When I re-read that one, I found it to be extremely racist and genocidal, quite Hitlerian in its ethnic cleansing pursuit and rationalization thereof.
So I took it out to the back yard and burned it page by page in a 50-gallon drum. Very cathartic. I've done that with about 25 stories of varying length. -
8/15/14, 5:26 PM
iri said...
"When I re-read that one, I found it to be extremely racist and genocidal..."
Not to worry, you're a normal human being. Everybody is extremely racist and genocidal. But if you are a White man you certainly must die. -
8/15/14, 5:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Or, just look at Algore. If you can stand to.
Sir H the Comet -
8/16/14, 7:41 AM
jw said...
i think Aldous Huxley already wrote this book.
8/16/14, 9:40 AM
Anonymous said...
It is too goddam bad that the Ayatollah's mother didn't have that chip some 52 years ago. Look at all the problems that could have been avoided.
Scottiebill -
8/16/14, 12:24 PM
Cheezy said...
Hope this isn't one of those church sign jokes...
8/17/14, 2:25 PM