Friday, December 26, 2014

Eric Erickson's Christmas Special

Christmas Special
I didn't spend much time on-line the past few days so I missed  Erick Erickson's Christmas From Eve to Mary.  Never mind; it's timeless and some of you will enjoy it.

As we wind down for the holidays and I gear up to fill in for Rush Limbaugh (12/26, 12/30, and 1/2), I will be doing a special presentation on WSB Radio for Christmas Eve.

Putting my seminary learning to good use, I spend an hour tying Eve to Mary, explaining the significant of the smoking pot to Abraham, and breaking down why in 200 AD the early Christians set December 25th as Jesus’s birthday.

I invite you to listen to an hour of radio and from my family to yours, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.

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