Illegal Aliens Are Looking For Work, or Say They Are, They Are A
Protected Class
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio cannot use identity theft law to enforce
immigration law according to a federal judge.
Sheriff Arpaio will make arrests based on a law and then judges shoot
it down for the sake of illegal aliens, making them a protected class
at the expense of the safety of citizens.
open borders crowd says the illegal aliens are paying into the tax
system and they should be allowed to work with fake IDs
Lawsuits come from left-wing groups or the government who do not have
our interests at heart and who advocate for open borders.
A federal appeals court recently said it was illegal to deny bail to
immigrants in the country illegally even though they don’t show up in
court more than 90% of the time. A citizen at risk of fleeing, however,
would be denied bail.
The far left wants to make immigrating here illegally as inviting as
On Monday, an Arizona federal judge (
Appointed by George W. Bush on
March 13, 2003)
blasted a state law that “stretched” the crime of Aidentity theft to
include everyone from forgers to people seeking employment with
fraudulent IDs.
Many of the IDs illegal aliens use are stolen.
Usually, a state law that does not conflict with federal law stands,
but in this case, the liberal judge shot down the Arizona law using
semantic machinations.
This puts Americans at risk for identity theft which drastically
affects one’s credit rating among other things.
The judge in this case, U.S. District Judge David Campbell ordered
Arizona to give drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens last month.
The open borders crowd says the illegal aliens are paying into the tax
system and they should be allowed to work with fake IDs. The logic of
that escapes me. Most don’t pay taxes and, if they do, the job was
gotten illegally and they shouldn’t be rewarded for it.
The open borders activists also believe there are no Americans
available for the jobs which is hard to believe since there are more
than 92 million Americans out of the workforce. Illegal aliens are now
taking higher level jobs, not simply jobs no one wants.
In fact, all the jobs added since Obama took office equal the number
taken by immigrants, legal and illegal.
It’s obvious this is just another way to invite people to come here
If the people coming here illegally were predominantly Republicans, the
borders would be closed and the far left would be rounding them up to
send them home.
cuzzin ricky