Mad Men Run
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, November 12, 2015
If they find it .... Whoops
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
That applies to firearms as well, so keep 'em secured!
11/12/15, 10:38 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
uh .... duh
11/12/15, 1:30 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah, cause accidental gun death by children finding and playing with a gun is such a crisis... oh wait, five gallon buckets kill far more children, (due to drowning). This is just more gun-fearing wuzzy bs trying to get even the "reasonable" people on the bandwagon. Guns unlocked and left handy, (so they can be used), just like in our parent's home growning up and our parent's parent's and... You agree to this, and it's only one step away from, 'well, there outta be a law', safe-storage. And when that fails to make them happy??? F them at every step.
11/12/15, 3:54 PM
- Arthur said...
In a holster on your person is as secure as it gets.
11/12/15, 4:16 PM
Anonymous said...
Growing up in the real America, guns were proudly stored in the living room behind a piece of glass, in a cabinet. As a child you knew exactly where Dad kept the key, you also knew the degree of ass warming that would be dealt to any child foolish enough to open that door without permission. They were completely accessible, still there were no school shootings (Aspergers had not been invented yet), movies were safe to attend, postmen were safe among their fellow carriers. Yes, it was the gunsafe that destroyed society. Gunsafes should be outlawed. -Anymouse
11/12/15, 5:04 PM
David said...
From the time I was 12, I had a open wooden gun rack hanging on the wall in my bedroom with MY lever action 22, MY 30-30 and my grandfather's 20 gauge pump which was on permanent loan. The ammo sat on the shelf that was the bottom of the rack.
That said - my kids knew not to touch, and when they were old enough to touch - how to safely handle firearms. But I kept them locked up anyways. Because I never knew who was going to be coming home with them after school...
When my son turned 16 I asked if he wanted a gun cabinet for his room and he said no, they are better off in the safe because "some of my fiends are idiots." He settled for the combo to the safe... -
11/12/15, 9:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Class A parenting David -Anymouse
11/13/15, 9:13 AM
- toadold said...
"I have a cunning plan for reducing the number of idiots in the population. It requires issuing a large supply of fire arms to the idiots."
11/13/15, 11:59 AM
- LivingFossil said...
You know what the Latin word for holster is, don't you?
11/13/15, 8:33 PM