scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Stupid and dangerous Islamos
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
You mean like Californians moving to Texas or Colorado?
12/3/15, 11:03 AM
- Juice said...
Yesterday we were waiting for the media to announce work place violence. So why shouldn't they leave their shit hole to come here and freely take lives and not be called on it. Mus'nt say "Islamic" but please do mock Christian prayer for the victims of those work place terrorists. The Shrillary Beast was already calling for gun control from citizens. Nothing is beneath a liberal to gain the power they lust for.
12/3/15, 11:14 AM
- Juice said...
p.s. To quote every Bush, "Our Friends the Saudis." Take a big flying leap Jeb.
12/3/15, 11:15 AM
Thomas M. said...
Kinda like moving from New York to North Carolina and voting for politicians who raise taxes
12/3/15, 12:48 PM
Anonymous said...
syed farook is arabic for climate change says Rush L.
olds-mo-william -
12/3/15, 1:18 PM
- Unknown said...
Be aware that, in seeing jihad behind yesterday's events in San Bernardino, you are at odds with the "official" line from Obama, his sycophant press and his legions of useful idiots, who are essentially asking us, "Who ya gonna believe: us, or your own lying eyes?"
The only thing missing from the regime's "workplace violence" narrative is John Kerry telling us how there was "a legitimacy…a rationale" for the attack. -
12/3/15, 1:38 PM
Anonymous said...
Here in Colorado, that's what we think of everyone that moves here from California.
jim -
12/3/15, 3:44 PM
Anonymous said...
jim - everyone that moves here from California
Build a wall, quick, or you'll lose your state like we have here in Virginia.
So much Clinton cancer has spread south from DC that we now have a Clinton BFF as governor, two Dem senators who vote lockstep with Uhbama, and our formerly red state is purple.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/3/15, 3:54 PM
- Juice said...
jim in Colorado -
It is true that Liberal-Californians ruined Colorado. While we were RV'n America for three years, we proudly introduced ourselves as Conservatives from California. It was better than an icebreaker, they loved us. We were allowed to explain that CA is actually a conservative state but the Dems have gerrymandered so many voting districts they don't even bother to campaign for elections anymore.
We settled here in SW CO. Love it. J Paul Brown is State Rep for our district. Nicest guy and a sheep owner who moves his sheep through town twice a year. :) -
12/3/15, 6:57 PM
Anonymous said...
Pete Wilson, wherefor art thou? Those were glorious days my friends. -Anymouse
12/3/15, 7:59 PM
Brinster said...
Hey Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick, where are you in VA? SW VA here. The gubernatorial and presidential elections showed similar voting patterns. South of Roanoke, the dems took only a handful of counties. We crackers sure know who to vote for.
12/3/15, 8:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Brinster - I'm near Richmond, in the most conservative House district in VA.
We're the ones who dumped Eric Cantor for Dave Brat, but it's getting more difficult, because the MFCS Dem locusts keep moving in from the north.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
12/3/15, 10:15 PM
- Esteve said...
We've been invaded for years here in Florida. Not by jihadist but by Democrats from the rust belt. Same result though.
12/4/15, 9:39 AM
- Esteve said...
In fairness, I must include the entertainment industry in the hell-hole that is the Orlando Metro area for it's part in Florida's transition.
12/4/15, 9:54 AM
Anonymous said...
Tell it Esteve, over here on the Nature Coast we have been discovered by the loony Californian. I am pleasantly surprised by the conservatives from the farm country of PA that I meet. They have had a craw full of city libs. It's amazing how fast they get southern fried. -Anymouse
12/4/15, 10:59 AM
Anonymous said...
Replace 'third-world shit hole' in the caption with 'California' . You get a very apt description of the migration that has been swamping Texas in recent years.
A Mudgeon from Texas -
12/4/15, 11:21 AM
Anonymous said...
Why do you not see photos of the third world female San Bernardino terrorist?
Take a look and see if you can tell.
Luigi -
12/4/15, 3:37 PM
- Wabano said...
Blackballed by the MSM...The Caliphate is coming slowly but surely...
Cair has forbidden publication as "disrespectful for the muslim community"
The Saudi whore in her underwear...not she shitted herself in her last breath...hope it hurt good!
http://dcgazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/CVRI4WqUkAEGosn-3.jpg -
12/4/15, 9:13 PM
Alien said...
So, you're talking about Californians who move to Texas and New Yorkers moving to Florida, right?
12/5/15, 3:46 AM
Anonymous said...
looks like she's related to Telly Savales, don't you think?
(Sorry, Telly)
Sir H the Comet -
12/5/15, 1:16 PM