I just decided that the one person I would most
like to know, and have dinner with is Andrew Zimmern. |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Intriguing Zimmern
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Cheesy said...
Maybe, as long as there's nothing repulsive on the menu
6/21/16, 9:37 AM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
I "ditto" that above remark with the addition of one burning question - "Why in the hell would ya' want to put some of that stuff in your mouth in the first place?"
By the way Rog; That's Zimmern (With an "n") unless your speaking of the Andrew Zimmer who Google says is an instructor in "who cares!"mathematics at the Univ. of Chicago. -
6/21/16, 10:36 AM
Anonymous said...
I could go for a boiled pig rectum right now. Kosher of course. -Anymouse
6/21/16, 11:41 AM
Anonymous said...
Is there supposed to be a link or sumpin'? Who TF is Andrew Zimmer or Zimmern?
6/21/16, 1:02 PM
Anonymous said...
He has a show on Google.
6/21/16, 1:23 PM
bocopro said...
Zimmern is a round-faced bald little dude who suffers from several delusions and maladies, amongst which are that crustaceans and cephalopods are actually food, nhuc mam is savory, kimchee is delectable, and baluts are a delicacy.
I've long suspected that somewhere along the line someone has removed, desensitized, and ironed his tongue. That his olfactory sense is irrecoverably maladjusted is inarguable. -
6/21/16, 3:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Ron in Ohio Sez:
I am amazed at the amount of people on the Internet that are so unable to think or act for themselves.
Case in point; The "Anonymous" @ 1:02 PM who ask an asinine question without the needed brain cells to simply "Google" the name Zimmern or Zimmer before asking for help.
I too would keep my name a secret if I were that useless and dependent on someone else to do my work.
Beware folks, they walk among us and they likely vote for the likes of Shrill-Liar-Ly or Commie Bernie.
6/21/16, 4:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Wouldn't that be "number" of people, not "amount", as long as we're being critical?
6/21/16, 8:57 PM
Anonymous said...
It would indeed be "number of people". And the post that Ron in Ohio finds so annoying might have been a way of letting Rodger know it wouldn't hurt to give us a little more info.
We're not all geniuses like you, Ron.
Yours truly, Useless & Dependent -
6/21/16, 11:45 PM
Cheesy said...
I suspect his childhood sounded a lot like "Hey, let's get Andrew to try it. He'll eat anything."
6/23/16, 12:40 PM