Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dicks out for Harambe

A while back, at the Cincinnati Zoo, a young child intentionally fell into the Gorilla Pit. A 17 year-old gorilla named "Harambe" tried to save the child, but onlookers and zoo security believed that Harambe was attempting to kill the child. Harambe was shot and pronounced dead on the scene. Shortly after the tragic events, Internet memes began to rise from all over the Internet. People had things that say "Dicks out for Harambe," or "Harambe for President 2016," things like that. A lot of people find this meme funny, though they are still trying to support the gorilla god, whose name is Harambe. Harambe is love. Harambe is life.

 Urban Dictionary

He's All Ears

A Clemson University administrator has demanded that any and all references to Harambe be removed from the public spaces in its dormitories because of concerns about “rape culture” and “racism.”
“Due to an incident that happened earlier this week, we are no longer allowing any reference to Harambe (or any other spelling) to be displayed on doors, halls, billboards, or windows,” an administrator stated in an e-mail to resident assistants, a screenshot of which was leaked to Campus Reform. “Essentially, Harambe should not be displayed in a public place or a place that is viewed by the public.”
“If residents are asking why they have to take them down you can share that there was a report from an individual about a meme being offensive and bias [sic] in nature and as a result all Harambe references are no longer allowed within our community.”
In an e-mail responding to a student’s question about the policy that obtained by Campus Reform, Graduate Community Director Brooks Artis explained that “there have been reports that he and the incident surrounding his death have been used to add to the rape culture as well as being a form of racism.”
Now, the exact content of the “offensive” meme isn’t explicitly stated. Using context clues, however, I’d guess that — as with a similar controversy at the University of Massachusetts earlier this month — all of this stemmed from a student writing or posting something that said “d**** out for Harambe” somewhere. If you’re not familiar with “d**** out for Harambe,” it is a phrase that has become a popular joke/meme since Harambe’s death, and the reason that you’re not familiar is because it has not had an impact on our society whatsoever.
That’s right: The phrase “d**** out for Harambe” has actually not resulted in a bunch of flashers running around terrorizing people in the name of a dead gorilla. [FULL Legal Insurrection]

I can't make this stuff up.


pdwalker said...

You could, but no one would believe you.

Hellen Les Déplorable said...

I, for one, see no resemblance between Harambe and Barry.

Tom Smith said...

Clemson; an Ag school that gives you a diploma if you don't plant your chickens too deep.

Anonymous said...

"dicks out" could be street slang for pulling a pistol out of your pants. And yes, Hellen I agree Harambe looks too masculine to be mistaken for Obama plus if I pulled my dick out he would confiscate it.

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