Friday, September 30, 2016

Erols Internet



Hellen Les Déplorable said...

How I pine for the good old days. Sometimes I lose a tear remembered the joy of splitting the phone line and configuring my modem. And standing on rooftops trying to get cell service for my bag phone. ($14/month)

Rodger the Real King of France said...

We are kindred spirits here

oy vey ole' said...

Prollem is, back then it would take a day or two just to download that movie you'd want to watch.

BlogDog said...

We started out using our phones to get the internet. Now, with MagicJack, I'm using my internet to get my phone.

Arthur said...

I vividly remember the $500 phone bill I received after my brother-in-law introduced me to Shadow of Yserbius and we played for an entire 3-day weekend.

The anger is tempered by the memory of this same brother-in-law and I getting Doom running multi-player and spending 10 minutes just jumping up and down in front of each other in game.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I think anyone who used AOL or Compu-serve know about those surprise $500 bills

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