Whom Have
We Elected?
Bill Clinton's past provides a clue
Father McSorley's "testimony" comes in the form of his
book, Peace Eyes, published in 1977. It is an account of his
anti-war activities and travels in the U.S. and Europe.
William F. Jasper
The New American
February 22, 1993
[Excerpt from the original]
The Clinton/Holmes letters also
belie Mr. Clinton's
claims concerning his radical anti-war activism. Back in 1978 Mr.
Clinton told the Arkansas Gazette that he had only observed, not
participated in, anti-war demonstrations. In an October 1992 appearance
on Donahue, long after his own letter -- in which he admits to leading
and organizing anti-war demonstrations -- became public, he modified
his anti-war involvement position but still contradicted his 1969
admission. He told the Donahue audience, [emphasis added]
"I have said repeatedly that I was in two or three marches during the
course of my life as an opponent of the Vietnam War .... I did go to a
couple of rallies .... I was not a big organizer of anti-war
Activism in England
That statement is contradicted also by the testimony of Father Richard
McSorley, a radical Jesuit priest and professor from Georgetown
University -- and one of Bill Clinton's anti-war comrades. Father
McSorley's "testimony" comes in the form of his book, Peace Eyes,
published in 1977. It is an account of his anti-war activities and
travels in the U.S. and Europe. "When I got off the train in Oslo,
Norway," Peace Eyes begins, "I met Bill Clinton of Georgetown
University. He asked if he could go with me visiting peace people. We
visited the Oslo Peace Institute and talked with conscientious
objectors, with peace groups, and with university students."
"On November 15, 1969, I participated in the British moratorium against
the Vietnam War in front of the U.S. Embassy at Grosvenor Square
London," Fr. McSorley recorded. He described the demonstrations:
The activities in London supporting the second stage of the moratorium
and the March of Death in Washington were initiated by Group 68
(Americans in Britain). This group had the support of British peace
organizations, including the Committee on Nuclear Disarmament,
British Peace Council, and the International Committee for Disarmament
and Peace .... The next day I joined with about 500 other people for
the interdenominational service. Most of them were young, and
many of
them were Americans. As I was waiting for the ceremony to begin, Bill
Clinton of Georgetown, then studying as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford,
came up and welcomed me. He was one of the organizers [emphasis added].
The British Peace Council, with which
"organizer" Clinton was involved, is the British branch of the World
Peace Council,
a Soviet-front directed by the KGB. These demonstrations were not
merely "anti-wary they were anti-American, pro-Vietcong, pro-Hanoi. and
pro-Ho Chi Minh. They were used as propaganda by the communist and
liberal media to undermine American morale.
When President
Bush called on Mr. Clinton to level with the American people about his
trip to Moscow in the winter of 1969-70 and his anti-war
demonstrations, reporters and editors rebuked him [emphasis
with charges of "redbaiting" and "McCarthyism." George Bush has plenty
of skeletons of his own, but the point he was raising was a valid
What was Bill Clinton doing in Moscow and Prague? He says he was just
sightseeing. He said in interviews, "When I visited the Soviet Union,
it was during a period of détente." And: "It was a friendly time. It
was a good atmosphere, very friendly." Not hardly. Brezhnev and company
were sponsoring terrorists all over the world and running North
Vietnam's war on the South: Soviets were manning the anti-aircraft and
SAM missiles that were shooting down American pilots; Russian
interrogators were treating American POWs in decidedly "unfriendly"
[When reporters questioned
him about McSorely's recollections, Clinton denied even meeting him at
the train station in Oslo. McSorely, at first, insisted he had
Clinton, then stated, "Bill would be foolish to admit all that he
had done."
The last public reference to him
that I can find is:
McSorley and his famous friend go way back.
Richard McSorley, who runs the Georgetown Univ Center for Peace
Studies, remains active in political and academic affairs at age 80....
07/28/95 National Catholic Reporter (magazine)
McSorley mentioned this little
gathering, as well:
early 1969, John Gardner (later the founder of Common Cause) organized
a closed-door weekend retreat on Martha's Vineyard (an island off the
Massachusetts coast) for forty handpicked, young, leftist zealots, all
of whom had worked in the Robert Kennedy and Eugene McCarthy
presidential campaigns. During the weekend, plans were made for the
National Moratorium of October 15 and the march on Washington of
November 15, the largest ever held.
asked during his presidential campaign about his being involved,
Clinton said that he took no part; yet the facts again say otherwise.
His old friend and fellow radical, homosexual activist David Mixner
(who from homosexual sources raised $3.5 million for Cllinton's
presidential campaign) said that Clinton was present at the Martha's
Vineyard planning session, and that during the summer of 1969 Bill
"volunteered his time and effort to assist us in planning for the
moratorium and the march on Washington." Another long time friend
Bill's, leftist Sam Brown, agrees with Mixner." - The Clinton
Chronicles ] - RAS
In his September 1992 affidavit, Colonel Eugene Holmes offers this
reflection: "When I consider the calabre, the bravery, and the
patriotism of the fine young soldiers whose deaths I have witnessed,
and others whose funerals I have attended .... When I reflect on not
only the willingness but eagerness that so many of them displayed in
their earnest desire to defend and serve their country, it is untenable
and incomprehensible to me that a man who was not merely unwilling to
serve his country, but actually protested against its military, should
ever be in the position of Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces."
Many people have been inclined to dismiss Bill Clinton's leftwing
college politics as the misguided meanderings of an idealistic naïf.
That would be understandable had he recanted his earlier political
views and manifested some evidence of genuine ideological reform. That
is not the case. He remains as committed as Jane Fonda to his 1960s
At the 1992 Democratic Convention,
Floyd G. Brown in Slick Willie, Governor Clinton was interviewed by
Italian journalist Antonio Socci. The resulting article appeared in the
Italian news weekly Il Sabato under the title, "Comrade Bill." Socci
reports that in 1987 Governor Clinton visited the communist co-op of
Legga, Italy to study the communist economic model:
"I went to Italy to study," Governor
Clinton told Socci.
"I came five years ago to the province of Florence to find out how the
cooperatives, the artisan cooperatives, and the micro enterprises
function. Then I went back to Arkansas and I helped put together about
seventy youth cooperatives."
"Don't tell me this [communist
cooperatives] is your economic prescription for the [United] States'?"
Mr. Socci asked incredulously.
"Absolutely," said Governor Clinton.
You're welcome